Part Three - Confrontation

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Maka didn't follow Kid when he ran away though everything told her to. She understood that it was best to let him go. She knew she needed to rest but when she laid down to sleep she couldn't even shut her eyes. The scene kept playing in her mind, enticing butterflies into her stomach.

She looked through the window at the moon, sighing. She didn't know what to do anymore.


"For today's lesson," Stein spoke up, swiveling in his chair, a smoke in his mouth. "I'm doing a new exercise, you will be pared with different people. I want weapons with weapons and Miester with Miester. Find someone alike to you in some way. Kid, Maka, I want you two demonstrate how this exercise is done."

Maka glanced at Kid who kept his eyes on Stein as he stood up and started walking toward the front of the class.

"Maka, he called on you," Soul nudged her into action.

She finally stood and stepped down to where Kid and Stein were waiting for her. Kid finally looked up at Maka, his amber eyes shining sadly.

"In this exercise, Maka and Kid, two of our best students, are going to bind their souls. Usually a Miester and a weapon bond and link souls, but if two Meister's souls are close enough, they can link and make themselves and their weapons stronger."

Stein gave them the okay to continue with their exercise.

Maka looked at Kid with a determination that scared even her. She closed her eyes and reached out her hand as if the shake Kid's. She felt his hand touch hers and clutch onto hers. She saw his soul, so confused and scared. She saw farther into his soul, his feelings, his fears. She let herself attach to his soul, energy fusing around the intertwined souls.

The souls were nearly resonance quality when Kid suddenly pulled away, his eyes flying open. He backed away from Maka, trembling and shaking, his eyes full of fear.

"Kid, is something wrong?" Stein asked in a monotone voice. "Your soul resonance was almost complete, why did you stop?"

"I'm sorry Professor Stein, I can't continue, I have to go." As soon as Kid was finished he turned and walked quickly from the Cresent Moon Classroom.

"I'll go get him," Liz stood to go after him when Maka stopped her.

"No, I will." Without another word, she ran after Kid calling his name as she walked down the halls. She reached the entrance to the DWMA and walked outside. She instantly drenched in rain, only when the rain hit her did she realize it was raining.

"Kid!" she yelled out. "Please come back!"

She yelled in frustration and sank to her knees with her face in her hands. She heard shoes splashing in puddles and looked up. She gasped as she found Kid standing a little ways away from her. His hair was dripping and his clothes drenched. She knew how much he hated being wet because it made him not symmetrical. Now here he stood, drenched with water pouring down on him but not moving; he stayed put with his amber eyes on her.

"I didn't leave, Maka, I'm right here," he whispered to her.

"You're in the rain," she responded, standing to face him.

"I hoped you'd be the one to come after me. I needed to talk to you."

"No, there's something other than talking as well. Why did you run off last night?" Maka asked.

"I was scared," he muttered, running a hand through his wet hair, messing it up. He must not have noticed because he continued. "I have feelings for you, feelings that I cannot explain and they just grow. And when I kissed you--even if it wasn't really a kiss, it just made it worse." He laughed and shook his head. "Look at me, I'm not acting like myself; I'm standing in the rain, my composure is off, everything about me is off. And you, you just stand there and make me want to kiss you."

Kid turned so his back was facing Maka. He yelled out angrily.

"Kid, look at me," she demanded, stepping forward and turning him herself. He looked at her solemnly before suddenly hugging her tightly around the waist. She hugged him back, pressing her face against his neck.

"I like you, Kid," she told him. "I don't know why or how, but I do. I think I'm falling in love with you," she said, looking up at him.
He met her stare with a determined look in his amber eyes. "I think I know how you feel." He leant down and kissed her softly, his time not on the cheek. Only a moment later he leaned back and let go of Maka.

She shivered at the feel of the cold that replaced where his warmth was. He noticed this and took off his coat and putting it over her shoulders. His white button up was already soaked through and she thought he would be cold but he didn't show it.

"We should get back to class," she told him, blushing as she tightened the coat around her.

"Let's just get inside, class should be over with in a half an hour."

They started walking back up the steps toward the Academy. Kid's hand touched Maka's and then his fingers intertwined with hers, providing warmth through the small touch.

She looked at their hands and smiled. They seemed to fit together perfectly. Everyone would think she would be with Soul but she knew if she were to really be happy.

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