~Chapter Six~ Bank Robbery

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The three turtles goggily woke up to the sound of blaring alarms. Raph hugged and stomped out of his room.

"Whats going on?" He asked, speaking with a lisp due to him wearing a retainer. "Donnies alarms're going off." Mikey grunted, his arms crossed angerly. He was always a bit grumpy in the morning, especially if he was woken up involuntarily.

"Calm down, dear brothers. I am resolving the issue." Donnie reassured, fiddling with his wrist tech. He pressed a specific button, finally getting the alarms to shut off.

"Now I just need to figure out why it was going of." Donnie sighed, dragging himself to his lab. "Bear with me, brothers. I might need you again."

He opened his lab doors and stepped inside, the doors automatically slamming shut behind him. Donatello slugged over to his computer, turning it it. Its blinding light filled the dark room he was in, stunning Donnie temporarily until his eyes adjusted to the light.

He swiftly moved his mouse across the screen, attempting to decipher why the alarms might of begun to blare. He opened up all of the cameras in the surrounding area, trying to figure out which one could've caused the problem.

"The bank?" Donnie murmered to himself, his forehead wrinkling. "Why is someone robbing a bank at two in the morning? I thought NYC residents weren't smart enough to do that." He zoomed into the footage, trying to decipher who the two figures were.

One was rather large. Plump, even. Like a mall Santa. The other was much smaller in comparison, but definitely not skinny.

After a few moments, the bank cameras unpixalated, allowing Donnie to identify the robbers. One of them was Hypno. The other was Leo. But something wasn't right. Leo looked dazed and tired.

He was wearing a baby blue spiked dog collar aswell as a black ball gag in his mouth to possibly prevent him from any form of retaliation.

Donnie stood up fast, his chair tipping over beneath him. Be quickly tied his mask around his head and put on his battle shell. "Guys! Get dressed! We're going to get 'Nardo!"

"Where is this place, Don?" Raph asked as the three lepy from rooftop to rooftop. "It's a bank downtown. If I'm correct, Hypno and Leo should still be there." Donnie spoke, using his battle shell to fly ahead of his siblings as he lead them to the building.

The alarms seemed to have been shut off by they landed on the building. "Alright, Mad Dogs. You guys ready to get back our bro?" Raph asked, attempting to be encouraging. The two others nodded, backing up from Raph. He raised his arms up, using his 'power smash jutsu' to smash a hole through the bank roof.

The three brothers lept down into the darkness of the bank. "Who turned off the lights?" Mikey murmered as his eyes tried to adjust to the limited light. Other than the moonlight seeping in from the hole in the roof, it was pitch black.

"They're here, Blue." The three heard a voice whisper. "I told you they'd come for you." The voice was met with the ear bleeding noise of metal swords being scraped across the concrete ground.

A soft baby blue hue came from the two katanas, although it wasn't bright enough to help the turtles make out any faces.

"Leo?" Mikey whispered under his breath, stepping towards the soft glow; only to be pulled back by his siblings. "He's not himself right now, Mike. Be careful." Donnie whispered into Mikeys ear.

"Why not?" He asked, glancing back and forth between his older siblings. "I don't know, Angelo. Just don't get near him." Donnie demanded. As the blue hue died down, the three heard rustling around them.

"I want the small one." The posh voice spoke.

A portal opened above Mikey, and a hand reached down and snagged him by the arm, causing the box turtle to yelp. Donnie managed to grab Mikeys ankle and pull him back down just before the portal closed.

"Hm. I guess not." Hypno spoke to himself. The three turtles stood back to back together in a defensive triangle. The moonlight pouring in from the hole in the roof was hardly enough light to make out three feet in front of them. Other than that, it was nearly pitch black.

The three heard soft 'pits' and 'pats' approching Raphs side of the triangle. Leos' swords began to glow a soft blue hue once again, allowing Raph to pinpoint the exact location of his brother. As Leo approached, Raph tensed up, bringing his sais infront of his face as Leo swung down on him.

"Jesus.. Leo?" Raph whimpered, getting a good look at his sibling. Leo. The one who was supposed to be the brave one. The faceman. The one who never took things to seriously.

All Raph saw in his eyes was anger and dispare. He had a spiky, baby blue collar around his neck and a black ball gag inside it his mouth; most likely used to keep him from retaliating or speaking. Although Leo had a confused and angry glint in his eyes, his anger wasn't directed towards Raph or any of his brothers at all. It was directed towards someone else entirely.

The snapper grunted, pushing Leo off of him, causing him to drop his katanas. Raph grabbed his siblings' arm before he could retreat back into the darkness and brought him into a tight bear-hug.

"Raphael, what are you doing?" Donnie frantically stammered, clutching his staff tightly as both he and Mikey gathered around him. "We need to leave!" Raph grunted as he fought his squirming sibling.

"What do we do about Hypno?" Mikey questioned softly. "Forget about him! We need to go!" Raph exclaimed before the group leader out of the hole in the roof.

"Hm," Hypno hummed, stepping out of the shadows and gazing up at the moon through the broken roof. "Alrighty, then."

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