~Chapter Three~ Hypnotized

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Leos eyes slowly fluttered open weakly.

Where was he?

The last thing he'd remembered was.. well, he couldn't really remember much. His head hurt. His shell hurt. His legs, and arms aswell. His lungs struggled to fill up with the heavy, smokey oxygen that surrounded him. It hurt to breath.

How odd.

Breathing is such a common thing, and yet it was the last thing Leo wanted to do.

He tried to move, only to realize he was strapped down to a chair. Leo glanced around at the nearly pitch black room he was in. He could hardly make out anything around him, but he could tell he wasn't alone. Someone or something was around. Maybe not inside of the room he was in, but he felt as if he was being watched.

"Well hel-lo there!" A loud voice yelled from the right if Leo, causing him to flinch. "How kind of you to drop in." The lights flicked on, blinding the turtle for a few seconds until his eyes adjusted to the sudden change in light.

Leo glanced over to his right. "Hypno." He growled under his breath, his eyes following the hippo as he made his way infront of Leo. "Oh so you can see? How wonderful!" Hypno mocked.

Leo rolled his eyes. "I don't need to see to figure out that you desperately need driving lessons." The magician snorted. "And just when I thought you would be kind, you know.." he pulled out a golden pocket watch out of his shirt pocket, "concidering that fact that I have full control over you."

Hypno dangled the pocket watch infront of Leo, swinging it left and right... and left and right.. and left and right.

Leos eyes follow the golden watch involuntarily. He couldn't look away.

He began to tune out everything and everyone around him, only focusing on the soft, golden glimmer of the watch.

It continued to swing left and right... and left, and right.. and..

The sounds of honking horns and obnoxiously loud engines filled the awkward silence between the three brothers as they lept from rooftop to rooftop.

"This was where he was?" Donnie asked, coming to a stop. "Mhm." Mikey hummed quietly. Raph bent down to pick up the pizza boxes that were laying on the roof. They were the same pizzas that Leo and Mikey got earlier in the day. The bottom of the box was still a bit warm aswell.

"There's nothing to track him here." Donnie spoke to himself, inspecting the ground below.

Raph and Mikey exchanged worried glanced with eachother. "Ehem." Raph cleared his throat. "How about we go check the alley Mikey said the van swerved into?" He suggested.

"Hm. I guess we don't have any other options, now do we?" Donnie responded, taking off his goggles.

The three brothers all made their way to the alleyway, just barely avoiding the eyes of the pedestrians down below. "I'm telling you guys, there wasn't anything down here." Mikey spoke as they all scaled down the building

"Perhaps not, but it is better safe than sorry." Donnie responded, putting on his goggles once again to take a look around the filthy alley.

There was really nothing here. No trail. Nada.

It was pure emptiness. Well, besides a few rats and a possibly dead homeless guy laying on the ground.

Donnies' face scrunched up. The only thing racing through his brain was finding Leo. He'd do anything. And he means anything.

"Find anything, Don?" Raph asked, snapping the genius out if his thoughts. "Hm? Oh, uhm. No. Nothing." Donnie took off his goggles. "Nothing here." The two brothers glanced at Mikey, noticing he was squirming rather uncomfortably.

"Are you alright, Micheal?" Donnie asked, raising an eyebrow. Mikey mumbled softly before speaking. "What if we never find him?" He worried out loud. "What if we never get to see Leo again?" Mikeys voice cracked as he squeaked out the final few words.

Raph felt his heart shatter as he heard the despair in Mikeys voice. "You know that's not true, big guy." Raph spoke softly, managing to mask his own worry from his younger siblings. "Leo's smart. He'll be alright. Raph promises."

"I'm a genius!" Hypno laughed like a middle aged dad drinking beer as he paced around the living room. Leos' eyes followed his movements, his expression remaining completely emotionless.

The magician ruffled the fur of his white cat, causing her to meow softly. He made his way over to the turtle, who was sitting patiently on a fluffy, red chair. "You're my new little play thing." Hypno purred, tilting up Leos' chin. The slider gazed back at him with a dazed look in his eyes.

"And I think that means I'm free to use you however I please."

Donnie slammed the doors to his lab. He was exasperated. Where was Leo, and what was Hypno doing to him? The softshell swallowed hard, thinking if what could be happening to him. All of the shitty, horrific, traumatic thing that could be happening to his twin. Things that Donnie wouldn't stand for at all.

Hypno didn't necessarily understand boundaries, which is why he was the turtles' least favorite villain to fight. Even before he was mutated, their were newspaper articles and reports of him behind a bit.. grabby, to say the least.

Leo being in Hypnos hands make Donnie uncomfortable. He shifted over to his computer. Donnie figured if he couldn't find Leo using a tracker, he'd find him some other way.

Donnie flipped his computer on, waiting a few moments for it to wake up. Once it opened its eyes, he began to type. After he was done, he leaned back in his chair, studing what he had written down.

It was a list. A list of a few people that him and his brothers regularly fight.

Big Mama was first. Then Baron Draxum, who was followed by the Purple Dragons.

Donnie sighed softly, standing up and grabbing his Bõ Staff. He hated all of these people, but he hated seeing his twin in distress just a little bit more.

Donnie squared his shoulders a bit as he heard the lab door open behind him. "Hey there, Dee. Going somewhere?" Mikey asked. Donnie hummed in response, turning around as his robots put his battle shell on for him. "Can I come with you?" He hummed again before speaking. "No, Micheal. It's dangerous."

Mikey squinted his eyes at his brother. "But we've been in danger before. Is it really that diffrent?"

"Yes, Mikey. It is. I do not wish for you to get ingured." The youngest huffed. "Then why're you going?" He demanded. Donnie glared down at him. "Because I need to. Now, if you are done with these questions, I must be leaving." Donnie spoke, walking past Mikey and out of the lab.

The youngest scoffed softly, turning his attention to Donnies computer. His eyes began to skim over the list. "What is this?" Mikey spoke to himself. He didn't understand. What was Donnie planning?

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