Chapter 29 - Girls Are Fucking Weird

Start from the beginning

"You are a smart man Jolly." Noah tells him and makes his way over to the fridge while I open the cupboards to see what there is.

"Noah." I say noticing that he's holding whip cream. He looks at me sheepishly.

"What?" I shake my head and he runs back into the living room.




"Mar run!" Noah shouts through laughter as he runs back into the kitchen closely followed by a whip cream covered Nick who is now holding the can of cream.

"Shit." I laugh as I try to run past Nick ducking under his arm squeezing into the living room.

Jolly is cackling as he throws ladles full of popcorn at Folio. I can hear Nick and Noah squabbling in the kitchen and then Sadie tackles me to the floor straddling me so I can't move.

"Fuck! Heeeelp!" I squeal making Sadie properly belly laugh.

"There's a possibility." She sings at me while Bella's depressive episode plays on the T.V.

"Sadie!!" I try to fight her off of me but she's not for budging.

"Nicholaaaas!" Sadie screams and he comes charging into the room, Noah pulls him back pushing in front of him. I notice Noah's covered in whip cream and I start to laugh.

"Noah please help me." I hold my hand out for Noah who tries to pull me out from under Sadie and Nick sprays more whip cream onto Noah.

"Dude I didn't get you that bad!" Noah lets go of my hand to wipe the cream off of him and Nick takes the opportunity to spray the remaining whip cream over me.

"Fucksake Nicholas!" I laugh just as Sadie gets off of me and high fives Nick.

"Team work." She winks at Nick whilst Noah helps me up.

"It's everywhere!" I moan wiping the cream out of my hair. "Thanks Nicholas."

"Ay, it's your boyfriend's fault. Thank Noah." Nick laughs as he joins the popcorn fight that's still going on between Jolly and Folio.

"Thanks Noah." I scowl at him and he picks me up, my legs instinctively wrap around his waist. He licks the whip cream off of my neck forgetting people are in the room with us. "Let's go. I want a shower." I whisper in his ear barely able to keep myself together. I hear Noah groan into my neck knowing he feels the exact same.

"Where are you going?" Jolly shouts at us as we make our way out of the living room.

"To bed." Noah bluntly replies clearly not wanting to delay getting up to our room.

"Dude you'll miss the wolves!" Folio adds.

"Fuck the wolves. Team Edward forever." I say over Noah's shoulder making Sadie laugh.

"Yesss! Team Edward." She agrees as she throws a handful of popcorn at Nick.

"Girls are fucking weird."


Noah slams the bedroom door behind us and walks straight to the bathroom gently kicking the door open.

He's peeling my shirt off of me before I even get out of his arms. Noah smirks at me pulling his own shirt over his head as I flip on the shower. I smile at him while I  pull off my jeans, I see him swallow hard. I fucking love the way he reacts to me. His lips crash onto mine as I fumble with his cargos. He steadies my hands with his own and pulls them off, his boxers coming away with them. A groan escapes me as our kiss deepens, Noah's hand rest on my hips, his thumb slipping under my underwear playing with the string, his other unclasps my bra and then I feel him against me. I can't help but gently bite his bottom lip.

"Fuck Mar." Noah groans and I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. I can feel his heart beating against my chest and I swear that alone makes my own heart beat faster. He slides my underwear off of me and picks me up, his lips colliding with mine again. He kisses more frantic and desperate this time like I'm the air he needs to keep him alive.

The bathrooms steaming up but neither of us can move from the way we are, completely entangled in each other.

"Noah." I whisper and he finally steps into the shower taking me with him. "Fuck." I press my hand onto his chest to steady myself. The water crashes around us, my back against the wall, I'm gasping for air.

"Shhh baby..." Noah smirks and rests his head against my shoulder. He kisses along my shoulder as he positions himself and then I feel him. I can't help but sharply inhale as he pushes himself into me. "Fuck Margo..."

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