An Elopement

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As soon as John Dory finished his recounting of what brought him back sooner, Melody became very concerned much like Celeste and Branch.

"Floyd..." Celeste and Branch muttered in concern.

John Dory frowned worriedly as he answered, "I wanted so badly to take him diamond and all with me, but he would never fit through that vent grate like that. So right after I made it into the Vent I hurried out of Mount Rageous and raced here to ask you guys for your help since you're family."

John Dory then looked guiltily into Melody's eyes as they widened from his words, "No matter how much we may have hurt each other or how long we've been apart. We need to do this family harmony to save Floyd."

"Why are you looking at Melody like that?" Questioned Branch suspiciously.

"Why are YOU looking at John Dory like that Mel?" Celeste and Poppy questioned Melody suspiciously.

Melody and John Dory had a silent brief conversation before sighing and pulling out of hidden pockets on their clothes a ring each.

"Because..." John Began.

"We're also married."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Exclaimed everyone except Melody and John Dory.

Poppy, Celeste, and Branch began to ramble off questions before they were reminded they were at a wedding that was quickly finished and had to go into John Dory's armadillo bus critter to set off on their journey.

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That was when Poppy and Celeste couldn't take it anymore and blurted out the biggest question

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That was when Poppy and Celeste couldn't take it anymore and blurted out the biggest question.


Melody and John Dory blushed and gave each other these odd smiles and eyebrow raises.

"Should we explain it to them?"

"Probably not bluntly since that might make them spontaneously explode."

"Fair point, song?"

"Yeah but which one?"

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