Vol 1: Horikita Suzune SS - A certain morning in the swimming pool

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              Vol 1: Horikita Suzune SS -A certain morning in the swimming pool

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              Vol 1: Horikita Suzune SS -
A certain morning in the swimming pool

Something that happened a certain morning. I heard a deep sigh. 

“hah – swim…”

Almost all boys were ecstatic, but only Hondo was dispirited. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“Eh? No, nothing…” 

Hondo looked as if he was worried about something. 

“Speaking of which, You’ve always been looking. Don’t tell me, you can’t swim?” 

It’s not like I’m an expert, I have an ordinary level. It’s only that, you see, there are a lot of things, if I swam.” 

I didn’t understand anything about what Hondo wanted to say. 

“I’m not enthusiastic about it. This swimming thing is really boring.” 

Hondo had returned to his seat very early.

 “What’s wrong with that guy?” 

Ike tilted his head, not understanding him.

 “Ah –so it’s that. So it’s that thing.” 

Sudo seemed to have understood Hondo’s train of thought and broke into laughter. 

“What’s up?” 

“There were also students like Hondo in middle school. He must be worried about that, the size of his lower parts.” 


Sudo’s answer was really unexpected. 

“It can’t be, right?” 

“No, those who adopt that attitude are most likely because of that. If it was because of other reasons, his belly will be exposed or he has thick body hair. Does Hondo meet any of these two criteria?”

 Indeed, Hondo has a very average body that you can find everywhere. 

“Men determine the winner by the size of the lower part. Normally, that part tend to be very big in guys who are ordinarily unrestrained. This is like the thumbnail of yourself for the society. If the lower part of a healthy youngster is small, his evaluation will also suffer changes, isn't that so?”

 “Pfhahahahaha! That guy, so his lower parts are small!”

 Ike seemed to have understood Hondo’s train of thought and laughed heartily. Ah – what an annoying society. 

“That guy must be lazing around, look closely” 

Sudo said that with a smiling face full of confidently. Then the swimming class started.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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