OT13 (SVT): Bittersweet Part 5

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A spiritual connection that spans across intricated lifetimes, drawn together by cosmic forces as if fate is dealing lucky hands into the sweetly addictive card game.

Perchance, perhaps, there are instances where you can perceive this paradox without even touching the unambiguous individual. Never thought that I could feel such a special affiliation to a stranger.

Every single syllable that addressed me carried a pinch of astonishment, diverting my puzzled head to the far-left side with my mouth sealed together. I had to peek upwards, the utterly tall man stood almost petrified when he met my dark brown eyes.

The dress shirt that revealed a tiny bit of his muscular frame appeared in the color of vanilla ice-cream, a dark bowtie fully untied on his clavicles that laid down in two even strokes. His glowing tanned skin shined underneath the sparkling lights, the perfectly managed hair fell in a sultry middle parting with loose waves on his forehead. 

I took a particular note on how we shared the same hue in our eyes. This unpalatable knowledge made me feel kind of enchanted in his uncanny appearance. Uncertainty and longing are what I saw in his dark orbs, and I had no idea why this foreign man had to act that way.

My glossy lips parted to convey a normal follow-up question, tilting my head a bit to the left side in complete confusion. 'Excuse me, do I know you?'

Tension laid on our frontal eye contact, an insignificant part of me did not want to sever this strong line of emotions. Yet, there was a troop of flamboyantly handsome men on the lure, waiting for their sheer chance to disturb.

A melodic singing voice pitched in between us, getting the attention of several ones around him which made me internally cringe. 'Mingyu-yah! Why do you not introduce your lovely friend to us?'

Overly happy for his own good, the strands of black hair were on the wavier side that covered his entire forehead. He brazenly slammed his right arm around my neck while this maneuver almost choked me in the process. 

I was never fond of physical actions from anyone who I have not given the permission to yet, glaring directly into the cheery guy's twinkling eyes. 'Back off.'

The seemingly trained arm left its resting place almost immediately, holding his arms high up as if I had caught him for a major crime. 'Yo, I was just trying to be nice. Let me introduce myself. I am Lee Seokmin, possible your new best friend and the happiest virus you will catch.'

That was without a fair notice. A tottering fragment of my idiotic friends flashed in front of my dark brown eyes, his unique eyesmile somehow reminded me of them as I mimicked it unwittingly. This made Seokmin beam even more genuinely.

Another guy from the intruders had spoken up, his fashionable aura came into sight with his upscale set of clothing and accessories. 'Who is she, Mingyu? This woman surely drinks like a man, or at least pretends to be.'

Chiefly this stranger was surely good with his straight-forwarded words, making sure that I was complimented and tormented in one whole sentence. 

I wanted to open my mouth to clear this misunderstanding that these "Mingyu" friends had created themselves, yet the last man with distinct piercings halted my impromptu plan. 'She is DIAMOND's new girl.'

His exceptional doe eyes were far from cordial, scanning me from head to toe with supreme concentration. Words do travel faster than I thought, thinking about how I have never spotted any of these men on the surveillance camera's at our dearest nightclub. 

Not that I had ever seen my utterly dimwitted crush on those video's. Why did that rotten bastard suddenly turn up in my head?

Nonetheless, how does this bizarre guy know anything about me at all? The frown never left the skin on my forehead, only to wrinkle more in bewilderment.