A visit (infected x pilby (sk8rclown))

Start from the beginning


Pilby froze, recognizing the voice, they cocked their head to see infected, rubbing the side of his face

"N00b >:("

"I-infected!?" They crawled out of his grasp "geepers! You scared the living cheese sticks out of me! W-what are you even doing here-!?"

"1 m1ss3d yu0!" He exclaimed as he clung into pilby, nuzzling at his head softly

"Well geez...that's nice...but a knock would've been nice-! >:0("

"H3h3! 1 kn0w :3 I jUst w4nt3d t0 sUrpr1z3 U!" He chuckled before capuchins a little, covering his hands

Pilby just sighed as they wrapped their multiple arms around him, causing infecteds face to turn warm

As infected helped pilby get up and dusted him off, pilby gave him a questioning look

"Isn't your father going to be worried cheezers for you?"

"..n4h h3z bUzy, pr0b4bly w0Uldnt 3v3n n0tiz3!" He giggled "wh1ch !z g00d!"

Pilby looked a little concerned, but decided not to point out the obvious "uh..well then..."


"Sooo.....what do you want to do?"

"Hrm...1dk" he shrugged "g00d th1ng 1 g0t 3m3rg3Ncy g4m3z :]" he pulled out a little Nintendo DS and plopped onto pilby's bed, waiting for him to sit next to him, the little caterpillar crawled to the empty space and snuggled into him.

"D'ohh...I still don't understand the phewey thats video games..:0["

"U d0nt h4v3 to!!1! U c4n jUzt w4tch :3"

Pilby shrugged as infected flipped his DS open to pokemon heartgold, continuing his save file, pilby stared at the bright moving pixels, the game was pretty...it seemed a little complicated though, and the shaking made their head spin, but they still clung into infected, seeing him so focused on the little pixel screen amused pilby a little

"...so how was life going?" The little caterpillar tilted their head

".3h 1t's...f1n3" he shrugged

Pilby side eyed him "....you sure"

Infected eyed back "Uh...yUh hUh br4h.." he coughed out a little

Usually he'd be going bananas and ramble about everything that'd happened to him up until this point...even if he was 'busy'

"Hm...." they stared at him suspiciously, but decided to let go of the subject, maybe something interesting really didn't happen, who knew, but pilby got the idea that something was off

Awkward silence filled the room, pilby fiddled with their hands until they remembered something that they should've told to infected earlier.

"D'ohh..did you hear about that accident in the elevator?"

"HUh? Wh4t 4cc1d3nt? 0-0"

"Well from what I've heard, the evelator was stuck and mark managed to pry it open, and inside was full of like, scratches and blood and stuck, the roof was completely torn off too! It was like a wild animal was in there...d'ohh that's why I was too scared out of my bajeepers to ride it..still am.." he muttered the last two words under his breath

Infected froze for a moment, his eyes widened just a tiny bit, he felt his stomach drop before turning to pilby, trying to cover his obvious shift with a smile "0h d4mn- 1m sUr3 1z n0th1ng br4h, 1 m34n 1t w4z pr0p4bly th4t mr gUy 0r wh4t3v3r-"

"Jeepers! But would MR really cause this much of a havoc?"

"3h s33mz l1k3 1t-"

"..you got a point.."

Infected wrapped an arm around pilby and kissed them on the cheek "1tz f1n3 gUmdr0p- 1m zUr3 1tz g0n3 by n0w-"

"D'oohhhhh b-but what if it just reappears and it- it-" the scenerios flashing through pilby's mind made him tear a bit, before they felt a tender kiss on their lips, causing them to blush under their makeup, they turned to infected tightening the hug, putting the DS aside.

"H3y n0w, n0 0n3 and n0th1ng 1z g0nn4 G3's uz? 0k? 1'll b3 h3r3 t0 pr0t3ct U, 1 pr0miz3.." he smiled at pilby and cupped their cheek with a hand, pilby melted into his touch and nodded, being a flustered mess at this point, they buried their head into infecteds chest as he comforted them slightly.

But even infected felt a little bit of worry, a different kind of worry...he knew what that thing that destroyed the elevator was, he knew too well...he felt the his stress reach through the roof, and stared at his palm as it slightly shook, but he clenched it to keep himself under control, no, he didn't wasn't to do this now, not in front of pilby..

He sighed "1 l0v3 Y0u P1lbz.."

Pilby gave a muffled "D'ohh jeeps...I love you too.." infected felt his face go a little warm, but he wasn't sure exactly how long pilby was going to love him..

it was only a matter of time now.

A matter of time before they knew the truth.

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