Chapter 17

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Parker's flashback can be triggering, as he is almost S/A''d, then punished for being a 'distraction.' Just skip past the italics after the "*Flashback*" precursor if you don't want to read it.  He sums it up for Dennis leaving out most of the details if that's easier for you to read.

Parker's POV

"I need to check something really quick. Hang on." Dennis says after he shuffles me off his lap. He goes upstairs, and I only hear the first part of his call, I only know that it's to Alpha Jenkins, and he's wondering about the technicalities of my name change.

I bite my thumbnail in stress. Shit. I didn't even think about it.

I don't forsee it being an issue. Matthias comments. I mean, you're still you, regardless. You've accepted him, accepted his Mark, given him yours. You've already connected to each other. The name doesn't mean anything.

I agree with you. I hummed out loud, thoroughly immersed in my conversation with Matthias. Though, if it makes Dennis feel better, I'd do the acceptance speech twice. Besides, we're going to be changing it again when we get married. I beam to myself.

True. I think... We should wait until the wedding ceremony to do the second acceptance speech. Make it more special. Matthias coos.

Dennis comes back down the stairs, heaving a sigh. I feel a little guilty, but I didn't mean to hide it. It just wasn't something I thought about.

When he gets to the living room, he sees the twins passed out on the couches.

"Babe, can you help me put them to bed?" He asks quietly.

"Of course, Den." I send him a quick smile, as he bends to pick up Cameron. I pick up Evie and follow him up the stairs. "Can we talk after we get them in their beds?" I whisper.

He just nods as he enters Cameron's room, depositing him on the bed gently. I do the same with Evie, kissing her forehead gently. We walk to our room silently, and just as he closes the door, I feel his unease seep through the Bond.

"Dennis-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"What else?" He whispers.

"What?" His eyes are on the floor, I can't tell what he's thinking.

"What else are you hiding from me?" He meets my eyes, tears brimming in his own.

"Nothing, Dennis. I swear." I reach forward to grab his hands, but he backs away.

"Parker, I swear to god." He snarls.

"Dennis, I swear. I'm not hiding anything from you!" I shout, startling him. I'm starting to get angry with him and his reactions, though I understand. "I didn't even think about it, since it has been so long since I changed my name! And the whole reason I changed it was to keep myself safe!" The tears are starting to stream down my face. "You saw that Pack! You saw how messed up it was! But you have no idea how it felt to grow up in that Pack! I grew up there! Not here, where your parents sing to each other and play and laugh together with their kids! Not here, where everyone is accepting of sexual orientation!"

It's my turn to back away when he reached forward. I can't stand to have anyone touch me right now. The rage is too much. "My parents kicked me out, ON MY BIRTHDAY! Because I'm GAY! THAT'S IT!" I scream, and he's silent, letting me unload. The tears stream down my face. "Because I'm gay..." I cry and fall to the floor.

"Baby..." He whispers and takes me into his lap, rocking me back and forth. "Shh, it's alright, Baby. Let it go." He whispers and rubs my back.

"J-just because I'm gay." I cry into his chest. I see flashbacks of my school days, and that stresses me out more.

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