Chapter 13

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Dennis's POV

After we finished breakfast, Parker took the kids to get dressed. I cleared the table and chatted with my dads.

"So, what's their story, Den?" My pops asked as I put the dishes in the sink.

"They just moved to Wild Forest a few months ago with their dads. But they lost them in the recent attack from rogues. Alpha Juergen thinks it could be survivors from the Northern Mountain Pack. They lost a substantial amount from their Pack. But Alpha Juergen will be sending the paperwork they have over soon." I scrub the dishes as I talk to my dads who are perched on the bar stools.

"If you don't mind, I'll look over them when they come in." Pops says.

"That's fine, Pops." I smile over my shoulder. "Just let me know if anything out of the ordinary pops up. I need to be prepared in order to take care of them."

"Of course, honey." Pops says easily.

I put the clean dishes in the strainer. "What if... I can't do it?" I ask quietly.

"Dennis, baby. Look at me." Dad calls softly. I turn to look at him. "No one is ever really ready to be a parent. But I know you'll do a great job. Know how I know?" He smirks.

"No, Dad. How do you know?" I chuckle.

"Because you're already a great Daddy to Parker." He snickers.

My face flushes incredibly hot. "DAD!" I bury my face in my hands. "How do you even know about that?" I groan.

"You weren't exactly quiet when Marking him." He smirks. "Plus, I'm married to the Beta. Him and Rich gossip like old ladies."

My Pops looks mock offended. "Well, I know what we're doing when we get home. Someone needs a punishment." He growls lowly at Dad. Dad shivers.

"Gross. Not in my kitchen please." I groan again.

Dad chuckles. "Anyways, Dennis. I know you'll do great. You already care so much for them. We'll say goodbye to the pups and head out." He pulls me into a hug. "I love you so much, Kiddo."

"Dad... I'm not a kid anymore." I chuckle and roll my eyes, hugging him back.

"You're my kid. So you'll always be my kiddo." He grins.

"We're ready!" Parker calls as they walk back into the room.

Cameron and Evie trail behind him, looking excited, but nervous.

"You pups ready to go?" I kneel to their level. They nod silently. "Okay. Say goodbye to grandpas and we'll go." I smile softly. They wave shyly.

My dads grin and wave back. "Bye bye babies! We'll see you later!" Dad yelps on their way out the door as Pops spanks him hard.

"Pops! Not in my house, please!" I call as I roll my eyes.

"Why? You do it." He grins as he closes the door.

I roll my eyes again, and look at Parker. "Ready Babe?"

"Mmhmm!" He looks up at me, eyes shining with excitement.

I chuckle and kiss his temple. "Let's go then, Baby."

After about half an hour of driving, we get to the mall. Evie's eyes light up as we pass a store ruled by the color pink, sporting jewelry and stuffies. Cameron rolls his eyes, and continues on. I look at Parker and keep on after Cameron.

We'll meet you in a little bit. I link Parker and see him nod.

"Where do you wanna go, Kiddo?" I ask Cameron, falling in step next to him.

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