Chapter 3

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Dennis's POV

"Dennis, I need you to go to the city and pick up two people. One is a wolf from the Northern Mountain Pack, the other is a human woman." Alpha Jenkins instructs me when I get to his office.

"Yes, sir." I say simply. I don't have the greatest opinion on humans or the Northern Mountain Pack, but I keep it to myself. It's not the time or even my place to question the decisions of the Alpha. "When do I need to leave?"

"Before eleven would be preferable." He says, smiling slightly. "And I know your views, please try to be nice. These people are the best friends of my son's Mates. Besides, who knows? You might meet your Mate." He raises an eyebrow.

"Thank you, Alpha. But that's not a priority for me." I say simply. "If that's all, I'll go get ready to go, sir."

He nods, and I leave his office. Great. A human, and a selfish prick from the Northern Mountain Pack. Just kill me now. I whine to myself.

You know, he could be right. My wolf, Jasper chimes in.

Jasper, please. I scoff. I'm just driving to the city to pick up a couple of insignificant bugs. Where would I even meet a Mate, if I even wanted one?

Could be one of them. He smiles.

Knock that shit off. I say, entirely fed up. Go away for now. Please.

Jasper just chuckles. Yes, your majesty. Though mark my words. You'll find them soon.

I just groan and finish getting ready. He could really get under my skin sometimes. By eleven, I'm in the car, heading off the Pack lands I grew up on and hardly ever left.

I get to the city, and decide to just get the wolf first. Get the worst done and out of the way. I pull up to the building and step out into the mildly chilly air. I buzz the intercom to the apartment.

"Hello?" A voice says through the speaker. Holy shit... He sounds like honey.

I clear my throat. "Hi, I'm looking for Parker Smith? I was told to pick him up today."

"I'm Parker. Uh, can you give me a minute, I need to make a phone call." He says, clearly uncomfortable.

I shift in my stance. "Sure, take your time." I hate the thought that I've made him uncomfortable. Why? Why do I hate that?

"Thanks." He says simply and ends the call.

I walk back to the car to lean on it. I cross my arms. Jasper.

What's up? He answers slyly.

Don't even... I sigh. What is going on? Why do I feel this way?

Hmm... I'll let you figure it out. He chuckles and retreats.

I sigh deeply to myself again. This asshole.

The door of the building opens, and I snap my eyes up to meet a pair of beautiful brown eyes. Shit. He's my Mate.

Ding ding ding! Jasper chimes in.

I clear my throat. "Hey." I say, at a loss for words.

"Hi." He says, shyly. "Uh, so you're here to take me to the Midnight River Pack, right?" He says, a slight quiver to his voice.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, sorry." I shake my head slightly. "Do you want to sit in the front or the back? We still have to pick up one more person."

"In the front, if that's okay with you?" He asks, his voice hopeful.

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