Chapter 14

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Richard Jenkins' POV

I watch as the children from Broken Shadows are taken off the bus and are gently ushered to the medical wing. I watch Dennis, with his kids reunite with Parker, who is a bawling mess. My beautiful Luna comes next to me, gently taking my arm.

"You did the right thing, Darling." She coos.

I kiss her hand. "I know, Dear. I just feel for these pups who are without family now. So many. So much suffering."

"You saved them, Darling." She holds me close, watching with sadness in her eyes.

"I know... I just want to help them." I sigh.

"Alpha. Luna." Patrick bows his head.

"Yes, Patrick?" I turn to him.

"The Alpha King is here. He wishes to speak to you." He says nervously.

"Understood. Where is he now?" I run my hair through my hair.

"He's waiting in your office, Alpha." He bows his head again.

"Very well." I sigh. I look at my wife. "Dear, can you oversee this? I want all of these pups fed, cleaned, and examined comfortably."

"Of course, Darling." She kisses my cheek, then leans forward to whisper in my ear. "Tonight we could have some stress relief, Sir." She grins and walks away.

Dear, you're playing a dangerous game. I chuckle through our link. She just laughs and sways her hips in an exaggerated fashion. Goddess, I love this woman. I say to my wolf, Alistair.

Agreed. She's aged like a fine wine, just getting better and better. He comments.

I walk to my office, and knock out of respect for His Majesty.

"Enter." His deep voice booms through the door. "Alpha Jenkins. It's good to see you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." I bow to him, showing him every ounce of respect.

"Richard, I'm here to check on you." He sighs, folding his hands on my desk. "Two Packs decimated by your wolves. The council is worried, and to be honest, so am I. I need to know your reasoning behind these events."

"Of course, Your Majesty." I dip my head. "The Northern Mountain Pack kidnapped my son and his Mate shortly after a procedure had been performed. This stressed out his other Mate. They are not well known for treating their victims kindly, so we went to rescue my son and his Mate. But before that, we had learned what they did to the human Mates or Mates of the same sex. Torture and death." I took a deep breath. "Today's mission was due to the Broken Shadows Pack, an ally of Northern Mountain, attacking Wild Forest a few weeks ago. They requested help during that attack, and I sent some warriors to help, including our future Beta. Wild Forest didn't have the necessities to take care of orphans, so two came home with him. Then..."

I had to breathe deeply, still reeling from the rage I felt. "Broken Shadows deliberately ran into Dennis and Parker's car as they were coming home from shopping with the kids. They took the kids and left Parker and Dennis in the overturned car. They put the girls through a 'specialized' program. Basically poisoning their minds to make them believe all they're good for is breeding. The boys were forced to fight. It was especially hard for Dennis on this particular mission. The pups he's recently taken in are twins, one boy and one girl. I specifically had him on the team that went in search of the pups, as that would be the team that returned first."

The King unfolds his hands, and grips them again. "I see. Your actions were indeed warranted. That will make things easier with the council, then. I'd hate to see you go down a dark path, Rich." He smiles at me sadly.

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