The Best Bard in All of the Land of Bards

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Guys this is my favorite chapter so far it's oli so obviously it's gonna be chaos

A whole new worldddd...

Oli had been to tons of different worlds. Heck, even going to Empires was an accident.

He had never seen one like this, though.

Well, he sort of had. Mondstadt was quite similar to Dawn in building style, but it had TWO taverns instead of one. Which clearly made it better.

Because Oli could perform in them. Obviously. Why else would he be excited about taverns? No, he was completely PG and family-friendly, no alcohol here.

The only problems were that A, there was a giant dragon terrorizing the town, and B (more importantly), there were a lot of bards that Oli had to compete with.

And so his quest to be the best bard in the whole wide world had begun.

He didn’t even care about Hermitcraft anymore. If not being in Hermitcraft meant that he wouldn’t have to pay off his debt to fWhip, he was completely fine with that.

“Do you like music, sir?” Oli asked enthusiastically, and held an imaginary microphone out to the red-haired bartender.

The bartender raised an eyebrow. “As much as the next person, I guess. What do you want? Dandelion wine is back in stock.”

“I want to sing!” Oli said dramatically. “SomeWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW-”

“No, you’re not scheduled for today,” the bartender interrupted. “Either order something, or get out.”

Disappointed, Oli trudged out of the tavern.

He sulked into the town square and perked up.

Approaching him with two - no, three - no, two and a half people that he didn’t know was a familiar face, and immediately, he forgot about his horrible situation.

“Is that a bard I see?” Sausage called.

“SAUSAGE, MY BOY!” Oli screeched.

“You know this guy?” one of Sausage’s companions, a blonde dude, asked.

“Yes, I know this guy,” Sausage said. “He’s my good friend, Oli! He’s a bard! Hi, Oli!”

Oli waved. “And who are your wonderful friends here?”

Sausage pointed to each in turn. “The blonde is Aether, the brunette is Amber, and the short one is Paimon.”

“She’s even shorter than fWhip!” Oli gasped.

“Paimon isn’t short!” Paimon protested, stamping her foot midair.

“Well, I’m glad you found one of your friends,” Aether said. “Even if his sanity is… questionable.”

“My sanity is just fine, thank you very much,” Oli insisted. “Only slightly cracked! Just a tad!”

“So what have you been up to?” Sausage inquired.

“And how did you get into Mondstadt without notifying the Knights?” Amber added.

“I don’t know what these Knights are who you speak of, but I simply appeared in this land after jumping through a Rift in reality…” Oli started, preparing to tell his entire life story to this audience.

Amber wrinkled her forehead in confusion. Aether facepalmed. Paimon listened with interest. Sausage bounced on his feet.

“Terrified by this new predicament, I immediately searched out the nearest tavern to perform in,” Oli continued. “I’m a bard, you see. Performing in taverns is my lifeline - if I cannot perform in a tavern, I do not live!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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