Leeway Harbor and That Weird Thing Called Mora

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Scott did not agree to this.

He did not agree to be dumped into a city full of people. He definitely did not agree to let those people stare at him, whispering to each other, wondering who he was and why he had just appeared out of thin air in their town square.

"Hi," Scott said nervously.

"Hello, stranger!" a voice answered, finally. The source seemed to be a male at first glance, but could have been female as well, as Scott thinked about it. He'd have to ask for pronouns later.

The stranger approached him. He or she or they or... whatever was relatively short. Their hair was about chin length, deep blue, and straight as a line (unlike Scott). Their clothes seemed too fancy for walking the streets of a town, neat and formal with huge, ruffled bell sleeves. On the right side of their chest was pinned a brooch embedded with a stone the color of the sky. They had a calm air to them, and held themselves in a very poised way, as if they were in a play. "I am Xingqiu of the Guhua Clan. What's your name, traveler?"

Scott, bewildered, let Xingqiu help him up. "Scott," he answered. "Of Chromia."

Scott's golden eye acted up. He saw a magical aura around Xingqiu, similar to the ones he saw around Hearts of the Sea. Blue light, flowing and rippling like water.

He often forgot that his magic eye was there until it told him that someone or something had magic in them.

The people gathered slowly started to lose interest and disperse. Xingqiu, however, stayed, their eyes shining with interest. "Chromia? I don't believe I've heard of that. Where is Chromia?"

Reality hit Scott like a wall. He was not in Empires anymore, nor did he seem to be in Hermitcraft. "It... doesn't matter. Sorry, what are your pronouns?"

"He/him," Xingqiu replied. "And you?"

Scott made the mental switch from using they/them to he/him pronouns for the newcomer. "The same," he answered. "Where am I?"

Xingqiu arched an eyebrow. "How would you not know? This is Liyue Harbor, friend. The center of trade and commerce in all of Teyvat."

Teyvat. Liyue Harbor. Guhua Clan. Scott made mental notes about all of them, figuring they'd be important later, even though he didn't have the slightest idea what they meant.

He wondered where his fellow rulers were. Of course he did. But he was going to treat this world the same as he treated a Minecraft world: survival first. Once he had what he needed, once he was stable enough to search, he would.

First, food and water. From the amount of people in this city, it seemed like this was not one of the places where everyone went out and hunted. There were probably shops somewhere; in fact, he could see several around the square. However, he didn't have anything to trade.

Briefly, he thought about how the Hermits had used diamonds as a currency, something in place of a trade. He'd have to find out if this world was similar, and if so, where one could get the currency.

Scott went over all this and more in his head. Without really processing it, he accepted an invitation to share tea with Xingqiu at somewhere called the Xinyue Kiosk.

He realized what he had just done and searched his inventory. There was nothing in his pockets except for two dirt blocks, three wheat seeds, and... several stacks of dye.

He had originally been intending to trade the dye to Katherine, but Katherine wasn't here. He'd probably be able to trade the dye to someone else. He just needed to find who.

"I'm looking to sell some dye," Scott blurted to Xingqiu. "I have two stacks each of pink, purple, and white. Is there anyone in..." he scrambled to remember the name. "Leeway Harbor who would buy it?"

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