"I thought she was good? She came highly recommended."

She sighs, "I know but she was more focused on you than me and the baby. I just can't go 9 months of her just flirting with you while I'm just going to be getting fat. It could be my hormones but I've always been this jealous."

"Okay, I'm sorry but you don't have anything to worry about and you aren't going to get fat you are just growing our baby. If anyone is getting fat here it will be me." I saying trying to cheer her up.

She cuddles up next to me and giggles, "You aren't going to get fat you have PT and before you know it you will be back in the game."

She is rubbing her fingers under my shirt over my stomach. It makes me hum in enjoyment I've always loved this. She's the only woman to ever do this.

"When do we actually get to see Spencer again?" she asks and I smile loving how much she loves my daughter. We talk to her every night on the phone but it's never enough.

"It's my weekend this weekend."

"Oh good! Let's do your exercises." she says and I let out a big sigh but know she's right.

It's not as painful doing these now and I'm getting stronger. "Sweetheart, you are doing so well. Why did you say it's going slowly to Dr Hill?"

"Well I feel like I should be able to walk without the crutches by now. Some guys have already been walking without them by this time in their recovery."

"What does your physical therapist say?" she asks, trying to conceal her disdain.

I rolled my eyes and said, "She assures me that I am recovering fine due to the severity of my injury. But I haven't been doing well with my exercises at physical therapy. So I'm hoping she will be impressed." My friend then rolled her eyes in response.

I decide not to bring up the topic of my physical therapist with her, as I know that she doesn't like her. I don't want to have another conversation about a woman who flirts with me. I wish I had better intuition to identify when someone is flirting with me, so that I could ensure her that I am not interested in these women.

— — —

"When Margot drops Lizzie off, Spencer runs straight to her and exclaims "LIZZIE!!!" Jokingly, I then tells Margot, "Well, apparently I don't matter now." Margot giggles.

"She was very excited this entire week. Before your call, she would say, "Mommy, we have to hurry up and get my bath done. Lizzie is going to call me." She really loves her."

"Are you alright with all of this?" I ask her, looking over at Lizzie and Spencer chatting on the couch.

""I'm fine, Easton. You seem happy, and Spencer loves her. She seems to really love the both of you," she answers, and calls Spencer to give her a hug.

Spencer runs back to Lizzie, and Margot kisses my cheek. I look over to Lizzie, but she turns her head away, so I know she saw it. Great...

"Spencer? You going to give your dad a hug?" I ask and she jumps down from Lizzie's lap.

"Oh yeah! Hi Daddy!" she hugs my good leg and goes back to Lizzie.

Spencer tells us about her day while Lizzie makes us dinner. "Daddy, did you see if Lizzie is baking me a sister or brother?"

"Baking?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes which makes her look like Margot. I look at Lizzie who is hiding a smirk.

"Mommy told me the baby is baking in Lizzie."

""We won't know if you have a brother or sister for a few more weeks," I say. She sighs.

Lizzie asks, "Would you prefer a boy or a girl for the baby?"

She considers the question and says, 'Boy, I can still be Daddy's girl.'

Lizzie and I exchange glances, and she speaks up. "I'd like to have a boy, but if I have a girl, you'll always be Daddy's little girl."

We have dinner and watch a movie. Spencer cuddles up to Lizzie but once she starts getting tired, she crawls carefully onto my lap and lays her head on my shoulder, instantly falling asleep.

"E? What would you rather have boy or girl?"

"When we were younger, I always imagined having a little Lizzie. However, after what Spencer said earlier, I worry having another girl might prevent her from enjoying this. What about you?"

"I want a little Easton. You thought about having kids with me when we were in high school?"

I smile at the thought and nod blushing. She touches my cheeks stroke her thumb.

"You always were a big softy even as a high school boy. Should we put her to bed?"

I nod as she takes Spencer from my arms and gets up. I make sure to lock everything up, which takes a little longer since I'm on crutches, but I get it done. After kissing Spencer goodnight, I head to our bedroom where Lizzie is waiting for me. She's wearing one of my shirts and I feel lucky to have her in my life again. I don't want to mess things up.

After All This TimeWhere stories live. Discover now