Chapter One: Catastrophe

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I wake up to the sound of screams, the noise buzzing in my head like a swarm of angry bees. I sit up, my heart pounding, and look out the window. Fire and smoke fill the sky, casting an eerie glow over the chaos below. People are running and shouting, some wielding swords and casting spells, others lying motionless on the ground or writhing in pain. What's going on? A wave of fear and panic washes over me, making it hard to breathe.

A loud bang fills the room with more noise. I turn around to see my parents frantically gathering things into a bag. My father's face is set in a grim expression, while my mother looks pale and terrified.

"Mark, we must go. Now!" my father yells, his voice urgent and serious.

I jump off my bed, my legs trembling as I run towards my parents. "What's happening? Who's attacking us?" I ask, my voice shaking and cracking with fear as I follow them to the door.

"It's someone we used to work with before they changed. He's here for something to gain power," Mother utters, her voice trembling.

"Something to gain power? What is it," I ask, feeling a pang of curiosity and fear.

"We'll explain later. Right now, we must go. Come on," Father says, slamming the door open running out the door.

He leads us through the hallway, the hallway on fire so the sound of the wood cracking. We run back door of the house, I see our neighbors and friends, some of whom are fighting back, some of whom are lying on the floor, bloody and lifeless. A wave of sadness and anger washes over me. How can this happen? Who would do this?

We reach the stables, where our horses stand ready. We hop on and ride away, leaving behind our home and everything we have.

"Where are we going?" I yell over the distance between us.

"To the forest, a cave is there, we'll be safe there," Mother says, looking back at the flames and smoke.

"But what about the others, what about our friends? We can't just leave them!" I protest, guilt wallowing in me like I'm congested in my chest.

"We can't help them, Mark, we must keep them from gaining power, it's too important, it's the only thing that can stop the dark mage and his followers," my father says, his voice stern and determined.

"Why does he want this power so bad, what is it?" I ask, frustration covering my face.

"It's a stone containing the power and soul of the Dragon King, the most powerful dragon that ever lived. The one who ruled over all. The one who disappeared over a thousand years ago, leaving behind his legacy and his secrets." Mother says, her voice saddened and weak.

"A stone containing the soul and power of the Dragon King? What do you mean, how can that be?" I question, feeling disbelief and wonder cross my mind.

"It's a long story, Mark, we'll tell you when we get to the cave." Mother states,

"Just trust us, okay? We know what we're doing. We've been preparing for this day for a long time," Father assures confidently.

I nod, but I'm not convinced. I have so many questions and doubts. I don't understand what's going on, why the dark mage is after the artifact, why my parents are keeping secrets from me, why we must run and hide. I stop and look back at the place I once called home, now a pile of ash and death.

I look at the sky, which is dark and cloudy. I can feel a cold wind blowing on my face, my back begins to shiver, I shake to rid myself of that feeling. I ride after my parents, seeing the guilt and pain from the way they rode. I look up to a full moon beginning to rise over the trees of the forest as we enter.

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