Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - KB ⚠️

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"There's someone here to see you!"

You huffed, but then realized it could be your ex-girlfriend. You pulled on a more appropriate outfit, and ran your fingers through your hair, trying your best to make it look like it had been washed in the last few days. You ran down the stairs and were greeted by none other than Kate Bishop, captain of the archery team, and a royal pain in your ass. She was chatting with your mother and you gave your mom a forced, but polite smile as she excused herself to let you and Kate talk.

"Hey... I uh-" Kate scratched the back of her neck, looking down at the linoleum floor.

"No. Me first. You're the reason my girlfriend and I broke up! You're the reason my entire weekend has been absolute hell on earth! You ruined my life, Katherine Bishop!" You said angrily, pointing your finger at her the entire time.

"You've got to be kidding me. That relationship was so stale! You need new adventures! You need excitement! You need date nights out and you deserve to be fucking spoiled!" Kate spat back.

"You don't get to make those decisions for me, Bishop!" You cried, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. "Now I have no prom date, no girlfriend, no life!"

"Go with me," Kate said, shrugging.

"I'd rather lick a wooden arrow," you quipped.

"Really? Hot." Kate said quickly. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Seriously. I don't have a date." Kate shrugged and stuffed her hands in her pockets, looking down bashfully at the floor again.

"YOU? Don't have a date? THE Kate Bishop, captain of the archery team, biggest whore in school, doesn't have a date?!"

"Ouch," she said quietly.

"Sorry. I uh- I'm still a bit miffed," you said, blushing.

"Fair. Sorry about that by the way," Kate apologized, looking up into your eyes.

"Uh thanks. Listen... I don't know if it's a good look for me to go to prom with you, Kate," you said, looking at the raven haired girl. Her eyes were soft and kind and a beautiful bright blue and you'd never really given her a good look until now. "Plus I don't even have a dress or-"

"I'll get your dress and your shoes. And pay for your makeup and your hair and-"

"Woah Kate I-"

"Oh my god. She said it. She said my name! You said my name!!!!" Kate exclaimed, trying all her might not to jump around and kiss you. You chuckled a little at how much of a dork she was and you realized you really didn't know the girl at all.

"Please let me buy everything. As an apology. It's all I ask. We can go shopping right now-" Kate started stammering.

"Kate, BREATHE."

"Sorry," the brunette blushed.

"I didn't say yes, yet," you said quietly.

"Oh.. right. Um... yeah," Kate said once again.

"IF I'm to go with you, it's under one condition. I want to be asked properly. Promposal style," you said, smiling gently.

"Deal." Kate extended her hand and you took it, both giving a firm shake before she left.

The next few days your head was clouded with emotions; ranging from sadness to hatred, happiness to doubt. You missed your girlfriend, but maybe Kate was right? The two of you never went out anymore or did anything fun; you were convinced that that's just what happens after being with the same person for so long. And Kate asking you to prom after she or whomever started that rumor didn't necessarily mean that it was a date or that the two of you were together. You were teammates and friends, if you could even call it that?

Marvel Women - One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें