Taste Of A Poison Paradise - CD ⚠️

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The last place you wanted to be was at this new club across town with your best friends who had all grabbed a drink and then abandoned you for the dance floor. Places like this were never your forte, even when you were dating your ex-girlfriend who seemed to love the nightlife. And if it's one thing you hated; it's that you couldn't get her off of your mind.

Things were going great. You and Carol had gotten your first place together uptown and Goose was settling in nicely. The two of you constantly spoke about your future together and how you couldn't wait to settle down and have children. The apartment was incredible inside; high ceilings and vintage frame work; it had everything you had told Carol you wanted. And she declared that whatever you wanted, you should have. The two of you had settled into a decent routine for a few months; including the incredible sex in nearly every room of the apartment, shower and closets included.

"Baby, I'm needed for a mission. I should be back in a few days. Don't miss me too much, okay?" Carol asked, holding you close and kissing you deeply.

Except those 'few days' turned into a few weeks. And you tried not to worry. You tried not to stress. Carol didn't have a way of contacting you while she was off world. You just had to trust her. And you did trust her but you also missed her.

It was eight weeks before Carol returned home, slightly battered and exhausted. You tended to her despite her arguments of being fine and within a few hours she was giving you the best sex of your life all over again. But as any superhero life goes, she was off world once again within the next few days. This routine was growing constant and quite frankly exhausting you. Carol's homecomings were always bittersweet because you knew she was leaving again.

A whole year had gone by like this and each trip was getting longer and longer. You made excuses at first but it seemed like the two of you were drifting apart and you barely saw your girlfriend anymore. She'd come home one evening to you pacing back and forth, face tear stained after weighing all of your options. A stained and scribbled pros and cons list sat on the coffee table, a result of an inner argument with yourself.

"Baby, I'm home!" Carol called into the living room. "Baby?"

She saw you pacing, not thinking anything of it and put her hands on your biceps, trying to ground you like always. "Hey I'm back no need to-"

You shrugged from her grip, unable to look her in the eyes for fear of crying more. "Carol..."

"What's going on?! You're scaring me!" Carol said, trying to move closer to you but you stepped away again.

"Carol I can't-"

"You can't what?! What is it!" She asked, raising her voice.

"Stop yelling!" You pleaded.

"Baby- baby I'm sorry whatever it is, let me fix it! Please!" Carol said, in near tears of her own.

"I don't think you can fix this, Carol. You're never here anymore. Don't you think that takes a toll on me?!" You cried, finally meeting her eyes with your tear stained ones. "I just. I can't do it anymore."

"So you're breaking up with me?!" Carol asked incredulously.

"You're never here! It's like I'm dating myself!"

"Do you know how selfish you sound right now?! There are other worlds besides ours that need help, you know! Ya know what, you're right. Fine. I should've seen this coming when you didn't want me to fuck you the last time I was here. That you were tired. Are you cheating on me?! Is that it?!"

"Carol no I-"

"I bet it's that skank Wanda you're always with isn't it?! I should've known. You always look at her differently than anyone else!" Carol spat.

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