We're Both Upside Down - YB ⚠️

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"Can't catch me!" She yelled as she took off across the yard.

"Lena you're too fast, it's not fair!" You had yelled back.

You sat looking at a photo book, admiring the fond memories. The day felt like yesterday; you and your next door neighbor turned best friend had spent hours running around their yard. Their yard was much cooler than yours because they had a giant jungle gym complete with swings. Yelena quickly became your best friend, attached at the hip as everyone always said. Her parents were basically your own.

It was a bleak day in the summer of 2004, your best friend came barreling out of her house with her family, older sister in tow and they sped off. You'd knocked on their front door over and over again and never saw their car pull back in the driveway. They were gone. When your mom pulled you aside to tell you that they'd probably moved away, you were heartbroken. How could your best friend leave you without saying goodbye?


It made sense now as you sat across from the intimidating redhead. After college you'd interviewed with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, otherwise known as SHIELD to become an agent. You learned who you could trust very quickly and who was not to be trusted. However, the redhead across from you teetered somewhere in the middle. And then you introduced yourself and watched as her jaw dropped.

"Y-you! It's you!" She exclaimed. "Little kroshka!"

"N-natasha?! Lena's sister, Natasha?!"

"Yes! But not too loud, please," she said quieter.

"Natty..." you hesitated with the nickname as she flinched a little bit. "Natasha- what.. what happened?"

And she gave you vague details. And you both shed a tear together, listening to her as her and her sister had their childhoods ripped away. She escaped. Yelena wasn't so lucky.

"Which brings us here. There's talk that they were chemically subjugated and they're under mind control which basically tells them who to kill or what to do next. They train constantly and then are sent out on search and kill missions. But I know she's been here," Natasha explained quietly. "And... we could use your help."

"Me? My help? But... I'm a rookie!" You exclaimed, eyes wide open.

"Sure but you were the best in your class and she knows you. There's no way she'd forget her best friend. We just have to get close enough to expose her to the synthetic gas, which will undo the chemical subjugation," Natasha said.

Your head began to spin, unsure if you could complete what needed to be done, but you weren't about to give up without at least trying. Your best friend was out there and you were damn sure going to try to bring her back. It was true, you had the best shot in your academy's graduating class, and your teachers were disappointed that you wanted to join SHIELD instead of being in the field protecting your country. Little do they know what the inner workings of SHIELD really look like.

"Alright. Brief me," you said, looking Natasha right in the eyes. She smiled and pulled out massive piles of folders, going over details of every recent assassination and where they tie to and who she thinks did it.


That's how you ended up on the rooftop of a building in town, trying quietly to tap into the widow's ear comms. "They must really think I'm an idiot," Yelena spat, her accent thick and unfamiliar. Her breathing was quick as you heard her footsteps running in the background. You knew what was coming, and yet it still startled you.

"You think I wouldn't see you watching me, agent?!" She snarled, pointing her handgun at your forehead.

"Put the gun down," Natasha said from behind her, pressing her own gun to her sister's head. Yelena stopped and looked at you with squinting, mean eyes.

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