Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - KB ⚠️

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"You girls look stunning! Smile!" Eleanor called, watching as you and Kate stood together in the foyer for a few prom photos.

"Mom, can we please go now! We're gonna be late!" Kate whined. Her arm was around your waist and if you were being completely honest, it was a bit hard to focus because of it.


Everyone knows Kate Bishop is hot. Athletic, popular, smart, captain of the school's archery team that she petitioned so very hard for her mom to fund. So when she began to take interest in you; of course you were hesitant. You were on her archery team; fairly decent at the sport but nothing compared to her. You and Kate couldn't be more opposite. You were always shy, reserved, quiet; never wanting to get in anyone's way and you'd dated the same girl since freshman year.

You were all seniors now and Kate liked to make it very known that she has a particular distaste for your girlfriend. "Hey princess," Kate teased, nudging you in the locker room before practice.

You groaned in reaction, "Bishop," you replied quietly.

"Are you ever gonna call me Kate?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you ever gonna call me by my name?" You asked.

"Hmm touché baby," Kate said, winking. Your cheeks reddened in embarrassment as a few of your team members were overheard chuckling at the interaction. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your gloves and gear from your locker. Practice went quick today and you were grateful, as it was you and your girlfriend's date night and you couldn't wait to surprise her.

You ran to your car and zoomed to her home, excited to spend some much needed time with your partner. Walking in the door of her house, it was oddly silent and you noticed her sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. "Baby?" You called quietly.

"Don't "baby" me," she spat, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes.

"Wh-what's going on?!" You asked, unsure what this was about.

"I knew you thought she was hotter than me. You could've broken up with me before you slept with her though. I thought I knew you better than that!" Your girlfriend argued.

"Ba- What are you talking about?! I've only ever slept with you!!!" You cried out, still confused as to who she was talking about.

"I should've known you'd sleep with that slut, Kate Bishop. It was only a matter of time. You spend every moment with her after school!"

"She's my team captain and I kind of have to! Where is this coming from?!" You asked, tears in your eyes. You sat down next to her and she scooted away a little, the action cold as ice.

"I overheard a few girls on your team saying how jealous they are of you that you've got all her attention constantly. As if you're not sleeping with her!" She accused.

"You've got to be joking right now. Was it Lila?! I swear to god I can't-"

"It doesn't matter who it was, we're DONE! Get out of my house!" She cried.


"Leave! Please..." she cried.

You left her house with a slam of her front door and you crumbled to the ground on her porch. You sobbed violently for a few moments, before getting up and driving home. You ran straight into your bedroom and plopped onto your bed, sobbing some more. You didn't show up to school the next day, and then it was the weekend. Your girlfriend, or rather now ex-girlfriend, was basically your only friend, so your phone didn't buzz the entire weekend.

Even the abrupt knock on the front door at one in the afternoon on Sunday hadn't even startled you. You laid in bed, scrolling through various social media apps, until your mom called your name.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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