Too Busy - WM

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You promised Wanda you'd have your work finished by the time she got home from work as well. You also promised you'd spend the evening with her. And then a last minute client ordeal came up and you were not finished when she walked in the door and you had most certainly broken your promise. Wanda wasn't upset or mad. She understood your work and what you were dealing with. She stepped into the kitchen and began to prepare dinner, making your favorite pasta dish as you worked away, hopefully finishing up soon.

"Baby, come eat?" Wanda asked softly from the doorway of your office. She looked so small and tired, and you wanted nothing more than to take a break.

"I'm sorry, sweet girl, I'm very busy and am on a hard deadline. Can you put a dish aside for me?" You asked, hoping your features were as apologetic as you felt. Wanda didn't respond, just nodded slowly before retreating. She ate in silence alone, which wasn't a new occurrence but she felt like she just hasn't had any time with you lately. As she cleaned up from dinner, she got an idea.

She took your bowl of food to you in your office and you thanked her but she didn't leave. "Did you need something, my love?" You asked softly, taking her hand and gently brushing your thumb across her knuckles. She nodded in response. "What is it, baby?"

"You," she said softly. Her big doe eyes looking up into yours, soft and gentle as she held your gaze.

"Baby, I can't right now I-"

"Have a deadline, yeah I know. I'm not proposing any funny business. Just wanna be with you," her words turning to mumbles at the end.

"C'mere, sweet girl," you cooed, pulling Wanda closer to you. "Do you wanna sit with me?"

You chuckled as her eyes lit up at the request, her plan coming together all along without much ado on her part. You helped her into your lap, Wanda facing you as she sat. You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and her nose, feeling incredibly guilty about breaking your promise.

"I'm sorry for this," you said quietly. "I didn't mean to break my promise," you whispered, tears filling your eyes.

"Hey, hey it's okay, baby," she said, swiping the tears away. "Just miss you a lot," she whispered.

"I know," you responded. The tiny brunette wrapped her arms around you and buried her face in your neck. You could feel her warm breath fan across your skin as she got comfortable, pressing a light kiss to your neck as she settled. You ran your fingers up and down her spine for a few moments, grateful to finally hold your girl so close. You were about to reach around her to finish your work when the client emailed you back and said the deadline had been extended because she'd made a mistake. Surely you could work on it some more tomorrow.

"Wanda?" You whispered, looking down at the small girl in your lap. There was no response but a soft snore, your sweet girl finally getting to spend time with you and she had fallen asleep.

"Wanda, baby, c'mon let's go to bed," you gave her a little nudge, waking her slightly.

"Mm what time is it?" She asked.

"It's only seven, my love. But you're asleep in my lap," you said, brushing some small hairs from her face. The brunette blushed and nodded.

"Carry me?" She asked shyly.

"Oh my sweet little babyyy," you teased. You slid your hands beneath her butt and stood from the chair, adjusting Wanda before walking into the bedroom. "Would you like a bath, Wanda?"

"Nuh uh just wanna cuddle," she mumbled.

"Very well," you said, tossing her onto the bed and she squealed in surprise. You crawled in and got comfortable, pulling Wanda in to your side. Her head rested over your heartbeat and you ran your fingers through her long brown hair.

"I love you," Wanda whispered.

"I love you too, baby," you replied, relieved you were finally able to spend some time with your girl.

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