Her Shirt - KB

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It was always much easier to sleep on cold nights with Kate by your side, but for now your electric blanket would have to suffice. It wasn't nearly the same heat that your girlfriend's body radiated, nor was it the same as having a loose arm draped over your middle as the both of you snuggled close. The sun seemed to rise quicker that morning and you went about your routine as usual. Get dressed, feed the dog, feed yourself, go to work. The never ending monotonous cycle day after day. And every day on your way out the door, you crossed off the days until Kate was to return home. Today marked one more day.

Kate would be home this time tomorrow and you couldn't wait. As always, your apartment was stocked with her favorite foods, a pumpkin scented candle burning in the living room, and the lingerie she loved to see you in was clean and pressed. The night before Kate's return, you found it extremely hard to fall asleep. Tossing and turning restlessly, nearly knocking a sleeping Lucky next to you, off of the bed. Your phone suddenly lit amidst the dark room and it was just the text from Kate. Your heart rate quickened as her name lit your screen.

'Hey baby. I know you're asleep but I'm on my way home. Miss you so much!'

You wondered if you should reply, but you were awake so what the hell.

'Don't worry. Can't sleep without you here. See you soon. I love you.'

And with that you turned the phone over and were finally able to fall asleep. As the sun rose, your routine continued without fail. Get dressed, feed the dog, feed yourself, go to work.

You'd only be getting a few days to spend with your Avenger girlfriend before she leaves to travel yet another part of the world for a new mission. You had to make the most of the time you had. Her favorite homemade pizza waiting for her as she walked in the door.

"Babe?" She called as she walked in the door. "Katie!!!!!" You replied with a squeal and the hardest hug you could muster. She pulled back just slightly to look at your face. "God I've missed you." And you were pretty sure you melted as her lips met yours, a touch you've only dreamed about for days after she left.

"We've certainly got a lot of lost time to make up for!" Kate said with a very cheesy wink. "Later! There's a pizza getting cold!" You swatted her into the kitchen and listened to her talk about all the villains she's fought over the last few days.

You both decided that you were too tired for much else and retired to your bedroom. You climbed in bed and Kate climbed in shortly behind you, the familiar warmth enveloping you and her arm resting over your middle as you both drifted off. It was the best sleep you'd had in days.

The days to follow seemingly way too short for your liking and soon enough you were helping Kate finish her laundry and help her pack to leave you once more.

"Katie please don't go." You begged hopelessly. You knew it was a selfish thing to say. She is an important part of the Avengers team now, and they needed her.

"Baby you know I'd stay if I could." She replied somberly. She hated to part ways just as much as you do.


"Yes baby?"

"Can I borrow a shirt?" You asked. She seemed puzzled. "Why a shirt babe?"

"Well... It'll be like you're here with me when I go to sleep at night. Maybe it will help with all the countless nights of restlessness." You replied.

"Baby if you think that will help then you can have all the shirts you want." She pulled you in for a hug and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"This never gets any easier. I hate leaving you." She said.

"But it's only temporary Katie. And I'll always be here waiting for you to return." You promised.

While it was still hard to sleep alone at night, the comfort of Kate's shirt made it a little easier until she came home.

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