Shark Tunnel Kisses - NR

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"Are you ever going to stop staring at my sister?" Yelena asked, elbowing you in the arm, causing you to almost knock your head on the counter since that arm was holding you up.

"I was not!" You huffed, elbowing the blonde back.

"Okay so you weren't just then but what about every other time?" Yelena teased.

"'Lena please-"

"Just ask her out already. I trust you," she shrugged, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and walking out. You continued to watch Natasha do her early morning yoga in the common area, following an audio on her phone. Her short shorts left little to the imagination but you shook the thoughts from your head a little too violently, and you lost your balance and fell. The thud of your fall echoed a bit more than you'd hoped, causing Natasha to get up from her pose quickly to check on you.

"Are you alright?!" She asked, her face concerned. Her red hair tied up with pieces framing her face, the short length not quite fitting in her scrunchie.

"I'm okay. Just clumsy, you know?"

"Yes, I'm aware," she said, flashing her pearly white smile.

"Hey!" You said, feigning offense.

"You said it, sweetheart, not me," Natasha teased. You felt your face heat up at the pet name, looking away from her twinkling forest green eyes. She helped you stand, her hand in yours and you swear you felt a spark. But then you rolled your eyes to yourself. She could have anyone in the entire world. Why would she want you? Clumsy, rookie avenger who has a bit of a staring problem?

"I was gonna finish my session, but I could use some breakfast," Natasha said. "I heard your waffles are to die for!"

"O-oh you want me to cook for you?!" You asked, looking at the older red head.

"If you don't mind?" She said, batting her long lashes at you, making a pleading face.

"Okay, okay no need to use the puppy dog face!" You giggled. It was silent as you cooked up some waffles, handing Natasha a plate with a tall stack and butter and syrup and a bowl of strawberries on the side.

"You spoil me!" She said, smiling her beautiful smile once again. You shrugged and made more for yourself, standing at the counter to eat instead. "You're not gonna sit with me?"

"I- I mean if you want.. I guess I could-"

"I enjoy your company, milaya," she said. You'd spent enough time with Yelena and Kate to know that was just as sweet as calling you 'sweetheart'. You smiled and pulled out a chair, scraping it loudly against the floor and cursing your clumsiness yet again. Natasha snickered but continued to eat.

You cut up your waffles before you eat them and then drowned them in syrup as Nat watched intently. She immediately reached her fork over and stole a piece of yours and popped it in her mouth. Your jaw fell and you looked at her in shock. "You've got your own!"

"Yours looked tastier! Had to confirm!" She said, giggling.

"Why I oughta-"

She stole another piece and stuck her tongue out, causing both of you to begin laughing uncontrollably, stealing bites from each other's plates until you were finished eating. You were grateful to be spending time with Natasha alone; work and missions aside. "Hey Natasha?"


"Have you... have you ever been to an aquarium?" You asked, unsure where the idea came from but you just wanted to spend more time with her.

"An aquarium? Like with fish?" She asked, puzzled.

"Yes....?" You responded confused.

"I've only seen them in movies," she said, gnawing on her bottom lip.

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