Chapter 8: Calypsian

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Calypso's Pov

What in the name of Merlin!

I don't even know why I felt a sudden wave of anger as Caspian made it down the grand stair case. After all, I am not in love with him....I think so.

I stopped dancing and stared at the golden haired girl, she was beautiful, as beautiful as Caspian.

Uh, that rush of envy and anger covered me then. Remus was looking at me and then at Caspian and the girl back to back.

I tried to compose myself as Caspian spotted me. He gave me a dazzling smile. Which I tried unsuccessfully to return..The girl smiled at me too.

I held my head a little higher as Caspian said something to the girl and made a beeline for me.

I looked at the girl more closely while they came to us.

She had a friendly, beautiful face and blue-green eyes which were prominent. Her golden hair reached her waist in spirally curls. I had never seen her at Hogwarts so I assumed that She was a Beauxbaton.

She was so beautiful that it made my heart hurt, which was quite unusual since I trusted myself to be above caring about others looks vs mine.

Damn it, my ways had really been changed after Caspian hurricane.

Caspian smiled at me and called. "Hi Caly!"

"Hi" I replied quietly. He came to stand beside me. "I didn't saw you since they announced the ball, where have you been? hiding under a rock, Caly?" Caspian asked, his blue eyes shinning.

"I was trying to but apparently I can't outdo Sirius and his friends." I laughed and nudged Remus, who smiled.

"I suppose we have to do the introductions?" Caspian asked, with a friendly smile.

"I suppose so, anyways this is Remus Lupin. One of mine and my cousin"s friends. " I said, squeezing Remus's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Caspian." Remus nodded, with a friendly face.

"Nice to meet you too, Remus! so this is my cousin Ambre, Ambre, this is Calypso and Remus."Ambre smiled at us. I smiled back weakly.

Somehow it gave me a huge relief to hear that Ambre was Caspian's cousin.

Damn it! What is happening to me????

"So....," Remus started but hesitated. He cleared his throat and spoke again.

"Um, Ambre do you like magical creatures?"

And BADA BING! With that one word, Remus and Ambre got into a huge talk as if by magic.

Then Remus asked Ambre to a dance and they both went to the dance floor together.

It was so sudden that me and Caspian were dumbfounded and just stared at the duo of them.

Finally I sighed getting out of the shock.

"What do we do now?"

Caspian took one teasing look at me and crossed his hands over his chest.

"Before we do anything you better tell me where did you disappear to for the past few days."

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I went to hiding, anyways where have you been?"

Come to think of it I haven't seen Caspian anywhere either.

He laughed.

"Being the Head Boy has its faults, like listening to Madame Malkin drown on and on about preparations for The Samhain Ball. I didn't even had a time to see a girl , let alone ask one."

"Oh" I muttered. "So how did you find Ambre if you didn't had enough time?"

He laughed yet again.

"It was deal, me and Ambre had a challenge on who would take highest marks last year and she won by a large margin. Accordingly, I had to take her as my date for the Ball. But..." He paused and stared into my eyes.

My heart fluttered and I gulped.

"She wasn't the girl that I had in my mind." He murmured, his light blue eyes still staring right into my eyes.

I forgot everything!

He dropped his gaze then, smiled and held his hand out.

"So will you dance with me ,Calypso?"

I took his hand smiling weakly. "Of course"

First thing I noticed was that Caspian was excellent dancer, even better than Narcissa, who was the best I ever knew.

He moved gracefully, tuning himself to the song, I moved with him feeling stupid and kinda dazed. Definitely cause of that Veela Charm.

At point we became so close that my heart took off like wings of a phoenix.

He softly smiled. I just stared at him, trying to find my voice.

It all shattered to pieces when he bent down and whispered against my ear.

"You are a beautiful girl , Calypso, both inside and out. "

I gulped, suddenly his hands on my waist felt really hot.

Then he softly pressed his lips against my cheek.I breathed in.

He smelled of Vanilla,lavender and mint, really intoxicating.

I was stuck in the spot as his lips gave another kiss to my cheek.

Finally he looked up and smiled at me. I blushed.

"You are as red as a beet." Caspian laughed quietly to himself.

But I could only see Sirius right over his shoulder. He was smirking at me and muttered under his breath one thing.


A/N: Here is my fellows, the most awkward kiss in the world.

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