Chapter 6: Announcements

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Calypso sat on her bed, reading a book of the dragons while Hex slept near her, when all three of her sisters burst in. Sighing, she put the book away and faced her sisters.

"What is it?" She asked calmly.

"Well, Miss Calypso, after contemplating very much.." Bellatrix started and paused for a dramatic effect. Narcissa and Andromeda fidgeted around and Calypso raised her eyebrows.

"We had decided that we need to have the TALK with-" Bellatrix was not able finish when Calypso got up in a flash and took Hex and the dragon book.

"Thanks but no thanks." She went quickly but calmly out of the dormitory, effectively ending the conversation.

"It was over before it started." Andromeda muttered and sat on the bed.

"I wonder where she got that Slytherin Blazer, it looked regal on her." Narcissa said, enthusiastically.

"Probably from that Caspian." Bellatrix snickered. Andromeda sighed.

"Regulus gave it to her when he came back from Hogsmeade. And what is wrong with Caspian?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing." Bellatrix smirked.

"Heard that Delacours are a rich and old family in France, and the boys.. they are perfect! Calypso got lucky." Narcissa sighed, dreamily. Andromeda face suddenly changed hearing Narcissa's words and she stood up.

"I don't care who is old or rich! as long as they don't hurt Caly, I'm good." Andromeda stormed out of the dormitory.

"Angry Andromeda? Calypso in love?, I do believe that the world is turning upside down." Bellatrix said, looking at Narcissa.

"It is turning upside down." Narcissa silently agreed.


Slytherins gathered in the common room in the evening, excited to hear the special news that was the reason for the mass meeting. Calypso who went for prefect patrol was the last to arrive, along with her came (or much more like limped) much bruised two slytherin boys. She studiously stood far away from her sisters.

Professor Slughorn cleared his throat loudly coming to the common room, all of the eyes in the room trained on him.

"Good Evening, Slytherins! I am excited to inform you that the traditional samhain ball at Beauxbatons, which is celebrated in every four years, is also celebrated in Hogwarts in this year due to our exchanged programme students. The ball will be in a week and there will be dancing classes in the Great Hall every evening, we expect you all to be present and anybody who isn't present must be absent with reasonable reason. We would count on you not to tarnish the pride of Hogwarts at the ball since there will be many important people from both France and Hogwarts, the ball is open to forth years and above, you can come if you are invited by an older student, if you have questions come and personally meet me, for further details look at the notice board." Professor Slughorn gave his speech, probably the longest one he had ever given in his life.

'Time for avoiding every soul in the castle' Calypso thought wryly, while all three of her sisters looked excited even Bellatrix.

After dragging the two slytherin boys to Professor Slughorn for detention and a lecture, Calypso slipped quietly from the bustling common room and went to the library for some peace and quiet.


True to her words Calypso avoided every single soul in Hogwarts, if not for her now quiet presence in the classes, any person would have thought that she went home.

As for Hogwarts, the classes for even O.W.L s and N.E.W.T. s weren't taken seriously, almost everyone was gossiping about who goes with who and what dress or suit they are going to wear, etc. etc. This gave a massive headache to Calypso since even her sisters were doing the same, especially Narcissa.

It was in one evening, did Calypso's avoiding people strategy was broken down.

She was just doing her three feet essay about the general belief of muggles of witchcraft in the a secret space behind the portrait of the unicorn, when the stone door suddenly slid open and revealed the faces of Sirius and James. Calypso put the homework calmly aside as if she was expecting them.

"Thought you will be finding me sooner or later." Calypso said, looking directly at the grinning two boys.

"Well, yeah. We want to ask you something." Sirius fidgeted nervously, unlike his usual carefree mood.

"Would you go to the ball with Remus, Calypso?" James blurted out without a second thought. Sirius shot him a look and smiled innocently at Calypso, who looked like if she was in deep thoughts.

"I think I will." Calypso finally said, smiling.

"Yes!" both of the boys chorused.

"Now get outta here you two." Calypso shooed them away.

"I can't believe it went that way, I thought Caspian asked her already." Sirius said, laughing.

"He probably couldn't find her." James said thoughtfully. Sirius nodded in agreement and they both went off to find Remus to tell him about the exciting news.

Calypso smiled to herself and started to write the essay again, but in the back of her mind she wondered, if Caspian will burst if he found out, but then she assured herself, thinking that their relationship wasn't that serious...yet. 

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