Chapter 3: At Hogwarts

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"Sorry, Cissy, Ammie, there is special meeting for prefects with professors, and I'll better be there soon." Calypso smiled apologetically at her two sisters. Bellatrix had already gone to meet up with her other friends, although she considered them all beneath her.

"No worries, we will keep a place for you." Narcissa said but Calypso wasn't looking at her anymore. She was staring at a gang of slytherins.

"Umm, Caly??" Narcissa and Andromeda looked at each others faces and slowly peered around their sister at the gang of Slytherins.

"Oh, no. it is Lucius.. .Calypso will eat him out by the looks of it....Thank, Merlin that I am not a prefect, I don't want be eaten out every time by Calypso when I slip my duties a bit." Narcissa mouthed, staring.

Calypso took a deep breath and shouted, startling a nearby slytherin girl out of her skull.


Lucius Malfoy went red in the face to the great amusement of his friends.

"I am about to get going!" He retorted at Calypso.

"Say that to someone who isn't a Legilimens." Calypso huffed.
"Now will you come or do I have to drag you out of here?"

"I will come." Lucius said in a defeated voice, looking at the blazing emerald depths of Calypso's eyes.

"Good!" With a flip of her hair she took a one very fierce look at Lucius and marched out of the great hall, Lucius followed closely, knowing that he had no alternative.

As soon as they left, Narcissa, Andromeda and all of Lucius's friends burst into gales of laughter.

"He didn't even spoke up...!"

"No use, you can't possible win a word fight with a Legilimens like her!"


"I wonder why they are taking so long." Narcissa wondered, looking at Bellatrix who was in a deep conversation.

"Bella doesn't care though." She softly added.

"Like why would she care, whenever they are together they are always seem to be fighting. Best to keep them away." Andromeda muttered.

"True, and it is getting kind of weird without the professors in here And look they are coming." Narcissa said, looking at the prefects coming one after another to the Great Hall, with Calypso in the lead, her green slytherin prefect badge sparkling from the light of candles.

"I wonder what she is about to do." Bellatrix said, suddenly looking at Calypso. Andromeda and Narcissa stared, wondering what suddenly drove Bellatrix's mind to their youngest sister.

"Getting ready for a lecture, by her face." Narcissa replied, studying the regal figure of her little sis.

As if Narcissa's words were what she was the start she was for, Calypso went to the little stage made for professors, so that she can see every student in every house table. She did a complicated motion with her wand and the held it to a her throat and spoke, the charm making her voice loud and clear.

"Girls and Boys of Hogwarts, many of you know that we will be having a group of Beauxbatons Students as in a exchange program," At her words a murmur ran through the long house tables.

"They will stay for this entire year and it is the professors wish that you will not tarnish the pride of Hogwarts, Professor Mcgonagall exact words were that and I will not rescue any of you of detention this year, yes, not even my own house members, in fact I will be dishing it out. So be careful in your ways. But," Calypso's serious face relaxed into a smile.

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