Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

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"Sirius, Regulus!" Calypso laughed and waved to her cousins, who waved back, right behind their mother who was already in a deep conversation with Druella Black.

"Looking as beautiful as ever, Calypso." Regulus slyly said, which caused both Calypso and Andromeda to hit him with their hand bags.

"Shut up, Reg!"

"Stop talking to Caly like that!"

"Who want to take bets on how many proposals, Calypso, will have this year which will all turn to buried hopes? mine is seven galleons for forty proposals." Regulus loudly asked.

"Shut up!" Calypso muttered, going red.

"Five galleons to twenty to thirty proposals" Sirius said.

Bellatrix deliberately ignored her Gryffindor cousin while Narcissa gave a short nod to Sirius.

"I have a hunch that she will find her match this year, so four galleons for that!" Andromeda said.

"Ammie, not you too!" Calypso looked at Andromeda with a scrunched up face.

"10 galleons for 10 proposals." Bellatrix said.

"6 galleons for 15 proposals."

"Deal!" Regulus smiled at everyone.

"I hate you people!" Calypso muttered under her breath.

"You can hate us later, anyway the latest news is than there is a exchange student program between Beauxbatons and Hogwarts for the entire year, so we have to give our welcome right? " Sirius asked, looking directly at Calypso. Who fixed her eyes on Sirius smiled an evil grin.

"Oh, they will get it! no worries"

"And don't forget about the challenge" Sirius smiled and looked at the crowd in The Diagon Alley, squinting his eyes.

"Oh, there is James, I will see you soon." with that he bounded off running to the messy black haired figure near the ice cream parlour.

"I don't even know why he hangs around so many half-bloods, mudbloods and why do Calypso likes him so much..." Bellatrix muttered under her breath.

"I heard that! and If I were you, Bella, I wouldn't hang around in the corridors this year, don't come and try it my head off if you got in the way of a dung bomb or a bat bogey hex." Calypso smiled like an angel of chaos and destruction at her oldest sister. Regulus laughed.


"My middle name is serious, no! wait it is Artemisia. Anyways where are we going next?" Calypso laughed, getting herself out of the incoming fight and looking around at the bright shops of the Diagon Alley.

"I need to go to Madam Malkin's and to Apothecary first, my potion supplies are running low and my robes are wearing off." Bellatrix mused.

"We will go with you, Bella." Narcissa and Regulus volunteered.

"I will go with Calypso to Eeylops." Andromeda said, looking at her sister with a bright face.

"We'll meet you near the Ollivander's as usual."



"I wonder if they'll sort the students from Beauxbatons to houses." Calypso wondered as she and Andromeda entered to the Eeylops Owl Emporium, where so many different owls stared at them with their jewel bright eyes.

"Probably they wouldn't, the last time we had an exchange program, they didn't do it but it was only for a few months not the whole year." Andromeda answered.

"I guess Professors will insist on full discipline. More work for us, prefects. " Calypso sighed. Andromeda laughed.

"Says such an innocent prefect who never do any mischief or cause any mayhem."

"I do keep others on check, you know! execpt Sirius and his friends!" Calypso said defensively.

"I have a feeling that Professor McGonagall will give all the houses' discipline checking to you. Last time you did an amazing job of it." Andromeda said, proudly.

"And I have a feeling that this time it wouldn't be so amazing and neat, since I am planning on giving out a warm welcome this year and turning the castle upside down."

"Should I put up warning signs?"

"Definitely and Oh, Look, Ammie!" Calypso suddenly broke off her regal attitude and squealed like a little girl. Andromeda looked at the direction Calypso was pointing to, where there was two graceful looking barn owls in golden cages.

"Looks like we already know which owls that you are going to buy. Go ahead and take them, we can take them Mr. Griffen."

Smiling like a little girl, Calypso tenderly took the two cages and took them Mr. Griffen.

"20 Galleons." Mr. Griffen said after checking the two owls.

"Here it is." Calypso rummaged her bag and put twenty of big golden galleons to the counter.

"Then here you go, Miss."

Soon the girls exited the shop.

"Let's go to Quality Quidditch Supplies, we both need a new brooms and then go to Flourish and Blotts and then to Madam Malkin's right after that to the Amanuensis Quills, then let's meet the others at Ollivander's."

"That's a long list, Ammie." Calypso shook her head.

"You still have the extension charm and galleons in your hand bag, right?" Andromeda asked.


"Then what are we waiting for?" Andromeda got agleam in her eyes and grabbed Calypso's hand, started to run to the Quidditch Supplies.

"Hey, leave my hand alone..!"

"Never, little sis. Never!"

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