Chapter 7: Start of the Ball

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Narcissa hummed to herself as she fixed Calypso's hair. She had already forced the intricate but simple emerald green on Calypso. As for the other sisters, Narcissa had her blonde hair fixed up in a big, elaborate along with tufts of blue flowers and her light blue dress flowed effortlessly to the floor, she wore a ruby necklace in contrast to her blue attire . Bellatrix held herself up in a haughty queen like manner in her gold patterned black , her mass of curls was carefully swept from her face and pinned into an artfully messy , Andromeda looked simple and charming in her white , her hair was in a waterfall braid, flowing softly to her shoulders.

After Narcissa designed Calypso's hair into a intricate with white flowers, the sisters hurried off to to the Great Hall without much talk, during the last few days little tensions had started to rose between them, with Andromeda's sudden anger and Calypso's new romance.

When they came to the great hall, it was buzzing with life, Beauxbatons and Hogwarts students went here and there, some talking to their partners, some enjoying the refreshments.

The Great Hall was almost unrecognizable, armours and portraits were replaced by ice sculptures and fairies who were flying around the flower bushes that the professors had conjured. There were golden vines creeping on the walls and jack-o-lanterns flooded the corners. there were tables draped with glittering golden and white with glittering crystal balls on them.

James, Sirius and Remus were waiting near the refreshments. James was with Michelle Yvonne, sister to Maria Yvonne, Sirius was with a Beauxbatons girl that Caly did not recognise,Peter was alone but looked happy.

Calypso made it to Remus with a big smile, Narcissa, Bellatrix and Andromeda went on their own ways to their partners.

"Don't you look pretty, Calypso." Remus complimented.

Calypso smiled.

"You look dashing as well."

" So can I have a dance?"

"Of course, Remus"

Calypso took Remus hand and made it to the dance floor. Where Narcissa was already dancing with Lucius Malfoy.

Calypso and Remus started to dance too.

Surprisingly, Remus was a good dancer. So was Calypso. They soon started to turn it to a competition between other couples.

That's when Calypso saw Caspian making it down the grand staircase hand in hand with a beautiful golden haired girl. 

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