Ch.6⟩ New Friend

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It'd been a few days since Light was sent to Earth, maybe a week or less. Being an Angel (and a Seraphim at that ) food or sleep wasn't a necessity. But still, she walked around town, her pure white dress stained with God knows what and taking shelter in some random alley way.

She remembered what her sister, Cealum, had said:

"Look for wherever or whomever the gems are, keep an eye on them."

"I guess now I am one of the gems." She thought.

It was midday and she was in a market looking around, hoping she'd see something but nothing. Maybe one of these humans found the gems and is trying to sell them.

Suddenly she heard yelling a few meters away. "Thief! Thief! The thief stole bread from my shop!", they yelled. Before she could turn around, she spotted a blur of black whisk past her. "Chase her!" Someone shouted from behind. Light chased her as fast as she could behind the theif into an alley...

The thief quickly turned and went ahead, becoming even too fast. She quickly hid behind a wall, which was unnoticed by her chaser. Light ran ahead and the thief sat down on the pavement, very much out of breath. She was almost certain that she'd gotten away, just suddenly something fell from the sky almost hitting her in the face. It stratled her enough to make her scream a little, alertering Light to her location.

Before she could see what it was, Light grabbed her from the shoulder. "Aha! Got-got you!", she said between pants. "Hey! Leave me alone!", said the theif and pushed her away. "If it wasn't for this thing" she said picking up the object that fell in front of her, "I would've gotten away." Light saw that the objects was one of gems. It was the black one, the one she was most concerned about. As soon as the girl picked it up, it glowed a bluish-grey and morphed into a mask, with a smiley face on it. Startled by this she immediately dropped it. "Hey, be careful with that, it's worth more than you think." Light said stepping forward. The girl cautiously stepped back. She was kinda short, and her hair was a golden blonde colour. "You mean I can sell this?" She asked. "No, not exactly." "Then it's worthless, unless it can do something for me."

"I'd gladly show you, if you let me. See I have the same thing on my head.", Light said, pointing towards her Halo. She noticed it had started glowing a bit. "This must be because the gems are together." She thought.
"No thanks, I'm good." Replied her girl. But Light followed her.

"You see, these gems have powerful magic inside them. If the gem fell towards you, and it glowed, it means it chose you! And it means you-" Light was abruptly cut off. "So it's a thing-a-magig and it's mine now?" The girl asked. They reached the end of the alley. She opened a door and crouched down to enter. "I'm afraid I'll see you later." , she said stepping through. Light followed her inside. It was small hidden room with a short ceiling, so Light had to crouch quite a bit.

"What's your name and why did you steal this?", she said pointing at the bread. "It's what I do to survive. I don't have a house, or a family. I live here." She said looking away slightly. "Neither do I. Maybe we can be friends?" Light asked, lending a hand for the girl to shake. "I'm Gale." She said and gave her a firm handshake.

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