Ch.4⟩ Magical discovery

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As she fell, Light saw the gems a few meters under her. She could see that they were becoming brighter and their colours were returning. They were falling towards a town, the gems falling down swiftly, almost looking like shooting stars. She remembered the conversation she and her sister had had the other day.

"At least tell me how these work.", Light asked. "The gems are stronger together. They give eachother power and strength." Cealum said. Light listened attentively. "I suppose your magic would get stronger, and you would be a magnet for all sorts of things." She said laughing. She bent down and took her sister's arms. "But heaven forbid anything happens to you." "I'll be safe, you're going to watch over me right?", Light asked. "I love you, my little angel." The two sisters embraced, maybe for the last time ever.

Light still remembered that. She was already worried, but threw those thoughts away.

Angels are as light as feathers and she wouldn't get hurt no matter how high she fell, that's what Caelum had said. But she still contemplated taking off the coat and using her wings.

After a while, she landed in a forest. After climbing off the tree, she wandered around until she reached a small clearing. From there she observed a few people pushing in carts through some gates, surrounded by high watch towers.

She quickley jumped behind the workers and sort of blended in with her brown coat. No one noticed her join them and she snuck inside Thipsulti. As she entered she saw a bustling city with many people. So many shops and so many fun things.
The people with the carts pushed them to a meat shop. She skipped past that one.

She almost jumping around. She waved at every stranger and stopped at every shop. It almost made her forget that she was not in Heaven. Although she did not know where to go or what to do and just went around.

It'd been a few dayssince their sleepover. Veinna was going off to see Rose. She'd asked Kesha to come and meet her new friend, but she was busy for now, and said she'd come later.

Vienna was almost to the door outside when it suddenly bust open and starlted her and she stumbled back a little to see Rose there. "Oh-sorry. I was coming to see you.", She said as she helped Vienna up. "Me too. What's up?", Vienna crossed her arms. "I need to show you something." Rose said, her face turning serious.

Rose took the princess's hand and dragged her outside behind some hedges. Then pulled out a pink flower from her pocket. "Look what I found." She said, handing it to Vienna. She took it and looked at it, amazed. There was a bright pink light coming from the center.

They slowly took apart the petals and revealed  a pink gem in the center. Rose took the gem in her hand. Now, it glowed even brighter and the girls had to cover their eyes. When it stopped glowing, they saw it was light pink, shaped like a crown and had morphed into a hair pin.

Rose put in her hair. "What was all that?", Viennna thought. "All that magic, just for something like this? This is underwhelming; I expected more.", Rose said, very clearly disappointed. "You should be on your way then. Tell your sister." "Yeah, see you later!", Vienna said as she began to head back.

Rose picked up a can and started watering some nearby flowers, when-


Vienna swiftly turned around and ran towards  Rose. There, in front of her was a giant sunflower. "Where did that come from-", Vienna said completely bamboozled. "I don't know!? It just sprung up from the ground!", Rose said, obviously very startled. "Ohhh your hair is kind", Vienn said, stepping closer and pulling out of strand of her hair. Rose bent down and touched the grass, which resulted in more gaint flowers raising up, almost hitting her in the face.  They both stood there starring at eachother and then the ground.

"D-did you know you could do that?", Vienna asked after a second of stunned silence. Rose only nodded. The woman was too stunned to speak. She touched a nearby bush and it grew twice as it's original size, maybe even taller than Rose. (Rose is 5'10) Vienna observed her closely and saw that her new gem hairclip glowed pink as so did the flowers. "Rose." , she said sternly, taking her hand. "It's the gem. It's your hairpin." "No! What? It's just a could it?" , Rose responded, now even more confused. "Try it again. Grow something!", Vienna urged. Surely enough, a large tulip grew and the gem glowed bright pink.

"This-this is incredible!", Rose exclaimed, although still shocked. "But will everything I touch become a plant?" "Take it off."Vienna suggested. "I'm gonna tell Kesha! She needs to see this!! THIS IS SO COOL! And dangerous!" Vienna almost screamed and you could see stars in her eyes.

She rushed off to their room, so fast she almost trpped on the stairs four times. "KESHA.", she said, almost bursting through the doors and almost breaking one. "Vienna! Woah-slow down. What's up?" Kesha was sitting on the bed and counting some cash. Vienna began to explain to her; the flower, the gem, and Rose's new magical abilities.

There was suddenly a loud crashing noise, as if glass had broken. Both princesses jumped back. One of their windows, which was right above a small table, was completely smashed.
On the table, there were two bright lights, one gold, and one purple. Kesha was about to get up and inspect it, when Vienna grabbed her hand. "That's exactly what that flower looked like." , she warned. "I'm sure it's nothing. I'll just check.", Kesha said and removed Vienna's hand from hers.

She slowly headed forward, carefull not to burt herself on the broken glass, while Vienna stood back. On the table were teo things. A golden necklace and a purple bow, bow glowing brightly in their respective colours. "Kesha don't touch it-", Vienna said from behind. But Kesha was not detered by this mysterious phenomenon. She picked up the necklace, and put it on. It glowed brightly, almost blinding her.

Just as she was admiring herself, Vienna grabbed her and attempted to take it off. "Hey! What gives?", Kesha asked annoyed. "That thing could be dangerous! Take it off!"Vienna said, still trying to claw it off. "It's not making gaint plants grow. Ita not doing anything." Kesha groaned, maybe a little disappointed. "We can't be sure!", Vienna said eyeing it suspiciously. "Vienna, just take the bow." Kesha said pointing at the table.
"What if it's dangerous."
"Don't worry. Trust me."
"Ugh, fine!"
Vienna took the bow and tied it in her hair. It gleamed a beautiful purple which lit up the entire room. "That looks beautiful.", Kesha exclaimed, stroking Vienna's hair. "It's not doing anything? Well then, I suppose I'll keep it." Vienna said looking at herslef in her mirror. "Let's get Astri." , Kesha said, leading her out the door. "You do that, I'll get Rose.And get someone to clean all that glass."

*Sorry for such a long chapter and for not updating in a while. Thanks if you read the whole thing!*

The G.I.CTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon