Ch.5⟩ Even More Magic

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"Wait. Let me get this straight. All of you found magical, glowing items that fell from the sky and now you have magical powers?", Astri asked, unsure of what to think. Rose, Kesha and Vienna wanted to know the origin of the gems, so they went to the sky expert.

They all nodded. "We thought you could help.", Kesha asked. "I know you're excited and all; but these things can be dangerous an-", Astri was interrupted by Vienna. "That's also what I thought. But...they ain't doing much." She said. "Yours aren't, I'm growing trees everywhere. Pretty sure the hallway outside is a jungle." Rose added. "And what do you expect me to do about it?", Astri asked, she folded her hands. "Teach us your ways~", Kesha leaned forward wrapping her arms around Astri.

Astri seemed taken aback. Slowly removing Kesha from her she answered back, "This ain't the type of magic I do,hon. Best case you ask your mom." "I didn't even think of asking her, she's so busy.", Vienna thought aloud. "You're mom's not here right now, she didn't show for something we'd planned." Astri said stepping away. "Let's look through some books."

Everyone very unwillingly followed her to her special room. Kesha and Vienna's mom was the Queen of Thipsulti, and she had a special school for children gifted in magic. Astri was one of the students at this school, her father worked in the army which is how she'd come in contact with Kesha from a young age and eventually they'd become friends.

She had a special tower just for her in the castle which was 75% library and 25% house. There you could find a book on everything; from something that happened a thousand years ago to something like cooking.

"Oh this place again...", Vienna said as she wandered around picking up a book that was very dusty. Ignoring her Astri said, "Don't mind the mess, I just got back from home and I still need to clean up." They went up to the second floor and Astri pulled out a book from the artifact section. "Okay, if you wanna figure out your magic, we need to figure out where it came from." She said flipping through the pages and landing on a section about gems. "Is there anything we can do to help?" Rose asked. "Oh yeah, you could look around for plant magic I suppose, since that's what you can do." Astri said and pointed her towards some shelves. She left with a sigh. Kesha and Vienna also picked up some books and started reading.

It was 8 something and everyone was still in the library looking for literally anything. Well, by now everyone was asleep with a book, exhausted from searching all day. Astri was on a chair, a book on her chest and a candle burning on a table beside her. Vienna and Kesha on the floor and Rose laid in a pile of books.

Astri suddenly jolted awake, causing her to drop her book and wake up startled. The others also woke up, all of them looking at eachother through the dim light. "Ugh, how much time has it been?", Kesha said, yawning. "Girls, it's 8:30 pm, anyone found anything?" Astri asked. "I literally read for like 6" Vienna said sleepily, her eyelids already closing.

"I don't think this is helping.", Kesha said blankly. "These gems came from the sky. Is there anything like that?" She added. A lightbulb went off in Astri's mind.

She quickly got to her feet and went up to the third floor. "Astri, where are you going?", Kesha asked. "I might know what this is.", she said and grabbed book along the way. Kesha folkowed her, Rose and Vienna not too far behind.

"This is the last floor right? What are we gonna do here?", asked Rose. Astri opened a hatch in thr ceiling and a thin ladder popped out. She climbed it and motioned for the others to follow.

The ladder led to a large room, decorated in white and gold. As you looked at the ceiling you could see all the Zodic signs; their names glowing blue. The walls were decorated with various inscriptions in different languages. Kesha recognised some letters from Greek, Latin and Roman alphabets. The floor was pale blue marble with a white flower in the center.

"You really are mom's favourite.", Kesha muttered amazed by the sight before her eyes. "Not such a boring place now, is it?" , Astri said climbing onto a balcony-like structure with a huge telescope viewing into the night sky. "Okay, so this is a legend. They normally tell it to little kids to make them to sleep, but it matches the discription of these gems so well."she continued. "You can't trust a legend.", Rose said skeptically. "Hear me out." Astri said. She adjusted the huge telescope.

"Long ago, there was this place called Heaven. It was a happy and beautiful place where everyone could be peaceful. Heaven was ruled by six very powerful angels called the High Celestial Order. They kept the magic of heaven alive with six gems, which were all connected to them.

Lord Solem was a figure amongst them. But, his magic was weaker than the other angels. He was always ignored for his friends. He wanted to fight by their side and be helpful to everyone. So he tried his best to be as powerful as possible. But something just kept going wrong, his gem wasn't powerful enough and he did more damage than good in his accidents. He was growing jealous and impatient.

So, as a last resort, he tried to use dark magic.  A forbidden magic that would make him stringer than ever. This way he would be able to fight alongside his friends and for his people. But, as always, something went wrong and the magic corrupted his gem and him, making them both black. It amplified the evil inside him and filled him with rage, jealousy. Be sought to destroy all of heaven for ignoring him and his potential.

As the other angels found out, they put a stop this. The used all the gems against him, even the corrupted one. They banished him to anothet dimension." Astri finally finished.

She saw everyone was huddled near her listening intently just like toddlers. Kesha raised her hand, and asked "Astri, what are we gonna do with the giant telescope?" "I want to see if we can see heaven.", Astri replied looking through it. Vienna looked at Kesha and gave a disapproving look.

"Hey look! The moon is blue today.... that's weird. And it's glowing very much.", Astri said. "The others looked outside. "It's white.", Rose said, all of them convinced that Astri maybe had a few loose screws. "There must be something on the other lense.", Vienna said.

Astri got up to check. "Hey girls. It's another gem.", she said plucking it off the glass. It also glowed a dark blue and morphed into a pin. Astri attached it to her shirt. "I think we need a new approach."

||•°★Pretty sure this sucks. I hope it's still enjoyable. I've been rewriting some parts of these stories bc they don't make sense so yeah.★°•||

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