I Love You Dammit!

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I banged on the door. Loudly, with all my power! WHY was it locked?! I was panicking right now! (y/n) lived in this house only with a father who did not care and all servants were to knock before entering! WHY was the door locked?! I was panicking right now. This was new, out of habit. And I felt...unusually uneasy...

I never felt this! I kept banging loudly. Till...

To my biggest relief, I felt the lock turn. The door opened. And there stood (y/n). Her eyes blotchy, red, swollen. Tears had streaked down her face and she looked as if she was fighting more of them. What...was going on? Surely she wasn't crying this much because of our previous fight?! She looked too tired to stand up on her own. So I placed an arm around her shoulder and softly led her to the bed. 

When she had sat down, I closed the door behind her and offered her a glass of water. She looked...quiet. She had never LOOKED quiet! No matter how dull, sad, broken she had been, there had always been a brightening vibrancy about her. 

She had always had this aura that announced her presence. 

This time...it felt as if...a part of her was dead. As if, I could never expect her to feel happy ever again. She just sat there. Lost. Quiet. He eyes didn't meet mine, and I kept gazing at her. 

I was never good with words. So it was a silent plea on my part, to her, to please start a conversation. 

"Rin". She finally spoke. My name. I had forgotten how long it had been since I heard my name coming out of her mouth. I had always been "Itoshi-San". 

"Rin." She said it again. A quiet, dead whisper. Like the hiss of a snake, it's warning before it was about to pounce on you to kill you. 

It scared me. What were her next words going to be...? 

"I...figured myself out." She said in the same, monotonous voice. "And it scared me. The reality I realised about myself." 

Why?! Why was she saying all this? What did it mean...? A part of me knew. It knew so well that it was running away now. I couldn't let her go. I was panicking. Internally. So I brought my arms to her and hugger her very tightly to me. As if trying to prevent her from leaving me. 

I wouldn't be able to handle it. The loss. The thought of losing her! 

"Rin". She said again, with the same quietness and I only held her tighter. Usually, I was the one whose emotions were undecipherable. I was supposed to be the mystery here. When did the table start turning? Why do I have no clue as to what's going on in her mind right now? Why are my emotions the ones laid out bare for her to assess and I can only overthinking about her current mental state?! 

It makes me desperate, as I am trying my best too, to avoid the sinking feeling in my stomach. Then finally, she looks at me. With a little life in her eyes. And...hope.

"I don't want to drag this out any longer, Rin." She says....firmly! It's puzzling! Why is she so confident all of a sudden. Why does she seem so distant all of a sudden? She's her own person. She's no longer MINE! 

"Rin" She says to me, more boldly this time. 

"WHAT?!" I reply in desperation! In fear. In panic! "Why do you keep saying my name?! What is it?!" I ask, trying to hold back my tears...

"I love you, alright?! I love you!" I finally burst out! The damn has broken. Tears start falling out of my eyes and I gather her to me in desperation! A loud, silent plea for her to stay! For apology. To sort things out! 

"I love you" I whimper, hugging her to me. "Please...please....I love you" For the first time in my life...I am crying before her. For the second time ever...I am begging for someone to stay. 

A/N: Hmmm...do you think I will give it the Y/n x sae happy ending, or do yall suspect me now? 

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