Entitled to my Secret

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I saw the pink haired Sae enter through that door and smile lightly at me, and all of a sudden, I felt relieved. Like, he would take care of everything! 

Rin got up, seething. Sae stood there, trying his best to calm himself down. And I....felt like I wanted to dig a hole and hide in it forever! Both stood there glaring at each other for what felt like eternity! And I found myself trembling in that presence!  

Until, Sae turned around, looked at me and raised an eyebrow, as if questioning me of my boyfriend's unexpected presence in my house. I shrugged lightly, aware that Rin was watching. 

"Sae-san!" I spoke up all of a sudden. "What...are you doing here?" My voice was meek, and I hoped he noticed the plea in it to play along

I was sure he did, when he looked at Rin and said: 
"Can I borrow your girlfriend for the next one hour?" It was sickly sweet. A fake tone put up just for my sake. 

And Rin growled at him, making no effort to mask his anger as he said:

"The chairman has called his daughter to the current sports meeting. I was present there and asked to humbly escort the lady." 

What a well framed lie! I gaped in awe of Sae. How could someone lie so smoothly in Itoshi Rin's intimidating presence? But then again, this was his elder brother in question! 

"I'll drive her there then!" I heard him snarl! 

"Sure. And be blocked at the entrance for a lack of ID? Go ahead, Rin." I could practically feel that smirk through his voice! And I practically, shivered. It was so cool!! 

"(y/n) cannot come anyway. She has to go out with her friend Sakura!" Since when did Rin care about my appointments? They were....as I remember, of the least priority. 

Sae turned fully to face me this time and pretended to hover over me, as he asked, "Miss (y/n), what do you prioritize? Your appointment with miss Sakura, or Mr. (f/n)'s beckoning?" 

And I had no other option than to look at Rin meekly. I felt his eyes soften for a moment, as he said, "Go, (y/n). We'll talk some other time!" 

And I overjoyed!!! In my happiness, I jumped at Rin, giving him a light hugged, ran off, wore the new heels Rin got me, and ran off to Sae's car. All the while, leaving my boyfriend stand there, petrified! 

I could take Sae to that place now!! Oh how wonderful. 

Once we had both gotten inside the car and moved out of earshot of the house, I turned to face him fully, with a beaming smile on my face! 

"You are so, so amazing!! Thank You so much for pulling me out of that! The way you immediately framed that lie, and how you withstood Rin's rage! And that, that aura you let off to match Rin's! Gosh! All of that is so so amazing..." 

I kept on rambling on an on about Sae's greatness. And all the while he sat there, driving in peace, listening to my rants about him! 

"BTW, Sae, how did Rin know about Sakura?" I asked him, remembering  all of a sudden. 

Sae smiled lightly, before saying, "You're really forgetful, aren't you? Remember the first time we went to the mall? You lied about going out with Sakura. Maybe it's fate or coincidence, that the new friend you made is named Sakura as well!" 

And after so many years, I felt once again that fate existed! 

"Say, (y/n), how much longer?" I heard him question me. 
Right! the place we were going to! 

I started the GPS system, and from then on, it guided Sae to the place we were visiting. I was still having an internal battle with myself, as to weather or not, I should take him to that place. 

I believe Sae sensed that, for he said, "It's not wrong to think about just yourself once in a while, (y/n). After all this time, perhaps you've earned that little right to be selfish?" 

"But Rin..." I zoned off. And once again, Sae read me. I was surprised at how he could telepathically sense my worries and wash them off, for he replied, 

"Will doing this...whatever you are doing....make you happy?" 
I did not have to think, for instantly, I nodded my head in a yes. 

"Then do this just for yourself. If Rin loves you, he will understand."

With my worries set aside, I could smile fully and daydream about Sae's reaction to the thing I was going to show him now. 

He was going to be the first person to see it. The first person to comment on it. But I was no longer hesitant. For since that day he asked me to be me, I was sure, Itoshi Sae was entitled to my secret. 

Stealing YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora