Glass Slipper

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Oh! It was so awesome!! I wished I could settle in the mall forever. It was like nothing I had ever had before. Sae was virtually someone I was getting to know so impressions didn't matter. And for the first time after several long months, I finally felt the exhilarating sensation run through me once again. And laughter after laughter came most naturally as if that and not the somber face I'd make, was my default expression.

I was sad to go away. I did not want to go home, even though we had spent a whole of 3 hours together, I was sad leaving him alone. 

"Well, will you manage to reach home alone?" he had asked me concerned while booking a taxi for me. 

"I will Sae, don't worry" I reassured him. Before, remembering: 
"Say, Rin was reluctant to let me go to the mall with Sakura. Why did he agree all of a sudden?" 

"How am I supposed to know that? It's your boyfriend, ask him!" And boy was Itoshi Sae a good actor. His face gave a way absolutely nothing! He was neither bothered nor smiling. But I was certain. Certain that the red head had SOMETHING to do with it. 

"Tell me the truth, please!!!!" My cute face works even on Itoshi Rin! Sae was no big fish then. Turns out, he was!! What he was weak to was my dominant face! 

"Itoshi Sae! I am 100% sure you did something! Tell me WHAT.IT.WAS!" 

Now, he did. 

"Fine! When I got to know that Rin was not letting you go, I arranged a practice match for him with few of my friends. Rin will prioritize football over everything. So he let you go. As simple as that!" 

"And why did you not tell any of this to me before?" 

"It's insignificant." Came his blunt but simple response. In that moment, I inferred one more thing. Itoshi Sae was a man who was really good at heart.

5 minutes later, a Sedan was carrying me off home. Tired but refreshed, I allowed myself to be lost in the memories of today. To wander off back to the time where I had the greatest fun of my life.  I was happy indeed with Sae Itoshi. 

(H/N). One of the biggest houses in all of the city. My home. Password protected. So when I got in, I was surprise out of my wits to find my boyfriend reading a magazine on the couch waiting for me! 

"Itoshi-San! How come you are here?!" I asked all flustered and caught off guard. 

"(Y/n), I wanted to meet you." He responded and handed over a package to me. It was gift wrapped. A big box could be felt but I knew not what was inside. Before I could say anything, he asked- 

"That's a big...bear. Where did you get it?" 

"Oh! Sae-I mean, Sai Sai, that's what I call Sakura- Got it for me! I got her a dolphin plushie in return!" I responded hurriedly. I was not used to lying to Rin. He hated lies. But it was a need of the hour. If he got to know that I had gone for a whole 3 hours with his brother, he would destroy me! I was sure of that! 

"Oh, that's nice! I didn't know you liked soft toys at this age. One would think my girlfriend would be someone mature." Was that spoken sarcastically? Was Rin mocking me? Or was it a friendly squabble? I was unable to decipher what he meant. So I gently set my plushie on the furthest corner of the couch, sat beside Rin and gently set the package down as well. 

"Would you like to have something?" I asked him? 

"No! He responded immediately. "Just open the package, then I'll be off." It seemed as if the first time ever, Itoshi Rin was excited for something. That something, perhaps being my reaction to whatever was in that box beautifully giftwrapped with a bright blue gift paper. 

I gently cut the paper from the edges where it was taped at and opened it to see a box whiter than the walls of my own living room. As I took open the lid of the box my mouth widened in surprise! 

Inside were a pair of the prettiest heels coated gently with a thick layer of glass, shimmering and glittering with all the lightings in the room. A size that I was sure would fit me comfortably. Made of pure crystals. What could have compelled Rin to get it for me? 

Surprised and fearful of a possible breakage, I set them down on the nearest table

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Surprised and fearful of a possible breakage, I set them down on the nearest table. I wanted to cherish these slippers forever. Mouth agape, I looked at Rin shocked, before speaking up- 

"These! Are beautiful, Itoshi-San! Thank You so very much!" I had suppressed the urge to hug him tight. Hugging was not a commonality between me and Rin. And so, I contended myself with a simple thank you. 

No matter how strict Rin was with his words, how so ever ignorant he was of me, how unromantic he was, regardless, he was open with satisfying my demands of anything material. While I could not quite understand Itoshi Rin, I was never hesitant in asking for anything I wanted from the shops around. 

"Any special occasion today?" I could not help but ask. He seemed hesitant at first before finally responding
"No. A player's...girlfriend had them on. She accompanied him on today's match. I thought they would look good on you. So, I got them for you." It was as simple as that. 

"Itoshi-San did you perhaps...Never mind." Something was going in my mind. Something that made me uncomfortable thinking of it. And I wanted to ask of it to my boyfriend. But would make him mad? 

"What is it?" The question totally caught me off guard. There was no way in hell THE cold hearted, uncaring Itoshi Rin was asking me to speak my mind up, was he? He was always so preoccupied with his thoughts that he never paid any attention to whatever I thought about. Maybe today had been a good day. 

"Well...I was wondering if you just brought me the slippers because you wanted your girlfriend to be superior to that player's?" I was hesitant in asking that. Worrying that perhaps I made Rin mad. 

But Rin as usual, was bluntly honest. He responded casually with a...

A/N: A glass slipper CANNOT actually exist, so, your slipper is made of the simple leathery material our normal heels are made of, except that it's transparent and coated with glass. This is scientifically possible so let's not worry a lot about that.  

Thank you so much! Have a good read! 

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