The girlfriend of Itoshi Rin

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"Itoshi-san, do you want to...maybe...go out with me tonight? We could have a simple dinner. I mean, it has been days since we ever went out on a date and I have so much to let you..." 

"(Y/N)! Could you shut up for a while? This constant talking, it's bothering me." Came his as usual cold reply. 

"But..." I was downcast. All that I wanted was a few moments with my boyfriend. I understood that he was indeed the best striker in the world. He was busy, and often stressed out from the media pressure. But, I had those moments too. I was a teen, going through her troubled teens and I too was stressed out because of the things that went on in my life daily. Why...couldn't I expect him to understand that? 

"No! I don't want a word of this anymore. I have better things to do that entertain you..." 

"Right..." I shut my trap and bowed my head down. 

We were in his house right now, and he was busy scrolling through his I-Pad. I on the other hand, had absolutely nothing to do. 

I was 16 when Itoshi Rin came out as the world's best striker out of Blue Lock and asked me out. I was no one special looking. A simple, invisible nerd. But my father was the chairman of the football association. And perhaps that, and not me caught Itoshi Rin's eyes. 

Nevertheless, we were the same age and he was interested in me. 

I was captivated...He was very charismatic, handsome, and he stole my eye instantly. I was...addicted to him and I never, ever wanted to move on from the guy I called LOVE. A few weeks into our relationship and he made a few things clear.

1) I was never to call him Rin. To me, he would always be Itoshi-San

2) He was allowed to call me (y/n) because he was the world's best striker. I on the other hand, had no individuality. 

3) I was never to deny him ANYTHING! Whatever he wished for, he was to be granted. If he wanted to go out with me, I must cancel all my plans. 

4) If he denied me anything, argument was not an option. I was to bow my head down and listen. 

5) I was never to burden him with any emotions. We met rarely and he was always stressed out. It would be better if I kept to myself, quietly. 

And soon enough, the extroverted bubbly (y/n), became a quiet little soul. Because, Itoshi-San was NOT to be displeased. 

"Itoshi-San, can I...ask you one thing?" I questioned timidly. He did not look like he was in the mood for talking to me. 

"What is it?" He had practically growled. Annoyed and mad. 


"I couldn't hear that. Speak up louder, woman!" He shouted. 

"When is your next world cup? Can I please come watch?" I questioned quietly. 

"What do you understand of football? Don't embarrass me in front of thousands by coming to my game." 

Blunt as always, came his rejection. But, it was the truth. The world's best striker would only be embarrassed by someone like me coming to his game. I was always in the shadow...

My dad and mom were great people. And so, I was never instilled the need to be unique. I never had a personality of my own. I was always rich and always lonely. And I wanted someone who would have fun with me. Who would make me realize who I am...I was very, very lonely. I too...wanted a life of my own. 

Itoshi-Rin was giving me that! 
In his presence, I was not at all the rich miss nobody. I was suppressed, yes. But that only meant I was suppressed and not the daughter of the chairman. He saw me for (y/n).  No! I never wanted to leave him. He was my special Rin...

I was bored.... 3 hours since I had come here and he was busy analyzing his game, not paying a tad bit of attention towards me. 

"(y/n)!" He finally looked up. I was overjoyed! We were going to spend some time together. We could..."I want a glass of water and get to cooking dinner. If you please, add sufficient salt to it, unlike the last time." 

"Yes." I nodded lightly. That's it. The girlfriend of Itoshi Rin was meant to be just a shadow. She should never be brighter than him...
I wanted to break down. To shout at him that I was his girlfriend! Not a maid servant!! Until I remembered rule no. 5. No! I must quieten down and walk away to cook dinner. So I did...

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