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I wake up with the warm feeling and smell something different,way more different than my cologne, it is sweet as strawberry! . I feel something soft brush against my chin so, I open my eyes and look down . There she is, wrapping her tiny hands around my body and her face bury into my chest .

How did she get into my bed ?

It took me a minute to remember everything from yesterday night. I was hella drunk, my dad's call ,me crying in front of her ,shit , what will she think about me ,now . A crybaby ! And I kissed her ,well, more like a peck . I was not that  drunk to suddenly kiss her but cuz I wanted to kiss her yesterday, which I did . Her soft lips !

I look down at her starring at her . This feeling is nice , having her close to me and she smells nice and I am sure she smells more nice down there. I look at her expose thigh area , before covering it with blanket . Shit I got a boner but it's okay I can tame my junior without using my hands .

I immediately cover myself with blanket and pulls her closer to me ,now my dick is pressed against her ass ,she feels nice ! I slowly rub my dick against her ass , without waking her up . This feeling was euphoric, I always prefer fast pace but today I love doing it slow . I close my eyes and dig my face against her neck , exaling a long breath . My body shivers when I feel I am going to cum but she immediately moves  from my bed , leaving me with my paining boner . I whimper in pain , cupping my crotch .

Once an asshole, always an asshole " she glares and I smirk.  Morning Natalia darling, you almost make my day ,good " Her eyes follow my hand then she eww , before looking at me , annoyed . I watch as she pulls down her dress and shifts her eyes at mine .

Thank you for taking care of me ,last night and my junior " I say as I sit up on the edge of bed .

Shut up " She says as she looks around the room .

What are you looking for gorgeous " I ask .

My phone " she says and bend down to look under the bed . My eyes roam around her round ass . I want to smack them ,grab them and again smack them ! A groan left my body as my dick twitch inside my pant . She immediately stand up and pulls her dress down.

You need to stop obsessing over my ass " she snaps .

And you need to stop showing it off "  I smile .

She rolls her eyes before lifting the pillow and finally finds her phone .she grabs her heels and make her way to my bedroom door before I run to her . Wait " I say as I stop her from leaving by grabbing her wrist.  Let's do something today" I continue .  Aren't you having headache or something " she asks and I roll my eyes . I never get hangover " Her eyes widened before saying . That's not possible " 

Whatever , I wanna hangout with you "

Fine , pick me up at 4"  she says before she walks out , leaving me with a smile on my face .

One step ahead of my winning!

MY FAVOURITE CHOICE ( ; KTH FF; )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat