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I grip my jacket close to my shivering body as I make my way to my communications class. I hate when the weather start to get cold again it makes me feel a little lonely that's why I was always a summer type of girl. I look forward to those warm days and cool nights ,hanging with my friend not having to worry about anything but just living.

I walk into my class and watch as all students make their way to their seats. I get to my seat at one of my best friends , Mark .

Hey" I say as I sit down. Good morning ,how was your weekend" He asked. Crazy ! My feet hurt from work" I complain. Aww my poor baby" He says as he rubs my back .

I laugh a little before pulling my notebook out and opening it up. Ami , was begging me to come to the party that jungkook invited her to because you said you would not go " He speaks up .

I told her I did think about it but we all know it's gonna be a no " . I explain . Aww ! Come on! just come, me and you can stick together while she hangs with her new hotty" he says.

Hottie " I laugh .

Talking about me, Natalia " I here a deep voice say from next to me. I look up and see fucking "Kim Taehyung ",was hovering over me with a smirk on his face.

Get over yourself " I snap . So, when are you free for that date " He asks .
Date " Mark asks in shock . No " I say . Yup! Me and Natalia darling have a date soon " Taehyung speaks.

No ! We don't and stop calling me that" She angrily speaks. He smiles in amusement. So , this Friday night " He asks. No!" I told him, without sparring a glace of him . Alright! Sounds like a plan " He smiles before walking to his usual seat .

I roll my eyes before looking back down at my notebook. Okay hello! The famous , Kim Taehyung! wants to gonna date with you" Mark asks.

No he just wants to hook up , Kim Taehyung doesn't do dates or relationships " I corrected him . So what ! I would die to hook up with that man ,just look at him ,he is gorgeous " Mark says.

I look back at him and see him typing aggressively on his phone. He was this different kind of pretty though, it was rare to see such a good looking guy like him . But I knew if I ever tried anything with him it would become a mess and I did end up getting hurt.

Yeah! No, I'll pass " I tell Mark ,still looking at him. He rolles his eye playfully. I focused my attention on the front of the class and listened to what the professor was taking about.

He passes a sheet of paper out and tells everyone to pass it back I grab the stack of papers from the person in the front of me before I turn back to hand it whoever was behind me, but freeze when I see Taehyung was smiling at me .

That's not your seat" I snap . I switched the girl who used to be here, all I have to do was to flash my boxy smile and she switched spot " He smirks. I roll my best before handing him the papers.

I turn back to the front of the room and focus back on the lesson before I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and look at the idiot. Do you have an extra pen " He asks.

No" I gritted my teeth.

I face back to the front again before he taps my shoulder again. I can see a pen sticking out of your bag" He Whispers. I again ignore him and focus on the lesson.

He taps my shoulder, again

Can I have a sip of your water " he Whispers .I glared at him and shake my head as no ! .He again taps my shoulder ,this bastad! Natalia darling " He asked . I snap at him , saying What " .

Is there any problem Miss Natalia " I turn back to look at my professor who was glaring at me .uhh-- " I hesitated .

It's my fault sir , I kept bugging her " I hear taehyung say . I turn around and see him standing up and looking at the professor. Well Mr Kim , I did appreciate it ,if you did put the same amount of focus you put into basketball into my class " He snaps .

I stare at the professor before looking back at him .yes, sorry sir " He mumbled before sitting down. I looked at his face and could tell he was upset as he look down at is notebook.

I stare at his face before he looks up at me and I watch a small smile appear on his lips .

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