"Hang on. If the original snap never happens now..."Rhi starts. "Won't that mean that there's no reason for you to give us your power or...link us together?"

"In order for the original snap to not happen, it still needs to happen in the first place."

"So where stuck in a time loop?" Loki asks


Rhi rubs her temples. "I'm so confused."

"The timeline is only altered from 2014 on. So everything up until then remains the same."

"That still doesn't explain why you brought us here." Loki cuts in.

"I brought you here as a curtesy. When we're done here, you will be returning back to the point in the timeline, right before Thanos entered the quantum tunnel."

"Will we at least have any memory of the original snap or the events before it?" Loki asks


"But in 2014..." Rhi turns to Loki. "You had already left me the first time."

"I came back the following year." Loki says hopeful

"You heard what the stone said. Things are going to be different now. What if...what if now, we never see each other again?"

Loki frowns and turns back to the figure. "Is there anything you can do?" The figure shakes its head. "I see." 

He then thinks to himself for a moment before turning back to Rhi.

"Remember what Odin told us on the cliff side?" Rhi shakes her head so Loki continues "...Even when it seems like all hope is lost, remember, your love for one another shall always prevail...I didn't understand at the time what he meant, but now I think I do." Loki pauses to cup Rhi's face. "You, Rhiannon...are my strength, my fury, my heart and soul. You, are my everything as I am yours. We will cross paths again."

"I really hope so." Rhi sighs as she leans into his touch. "I don't want to lose you again."

"You won't...I promise." Loki whispers softly against her lips before they are engulfed in a bright yellow light.

                                          *  *  *

Rhi takes a sip of her water and goes back into the ring to finish her sparring session with Nat. However, as she steps into the ring, she is suddenly overcome with a bout of vertigo as an image of the mind stone and a yellow figure flash through her mind, causing her to almost falls over.

Nat immediately rushes over and catches Rhi before she falls. "Woah there! You good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Rhi says breathlessly.

"Did you get one of your "bad feelings" again?" Nat asks with concern.

"No." Rhi pauses to drink more water. "It's more like...like something is different now."

                                           *  *  *

"Ahh!" Rhi suddenly feels a sharp pain in her shoulder, bringing her out of her thoughts, as she lets go of the scepter and falls to the ground hitting her head in the process.

She looks down to see that she was shot and was currently bleeding... A LOT.

Rhi tries to use her magic to heal herself, but her injuries caused her to be a bit weak and disoriented, preventing her from being able to use her magic.

"Help, Loki..." She calls out, barely above a whisper and he appears almost immediately at her side

"I'm here." He says as he as he places his hand on her shoulder to begin healing it. However, instead of his green magic flowing into her, the yellow power of the mind stone starts to flow out and around them. As Rhi's body healed, all their memories from before began to flood their minds.

Sokovia, Asgard, Sakaar, Thanos...all of it.

Once the yellow of the mind stone fades away, Rhi looks up at Loki with tear filled eyes and cups his face. "I remember." She whispers

Loki smiles places his hand over hers and says, "As do I. How is this even possible?"

"Loki, enough weird things have happened to us, that I've learned to stop asking and just go with it."Rhi chuckles before pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

"Get away from her!" Tony shouts as he and Steve pull him from her and Nat rushes over to comfort Rhi.

"Hey!" Rhi shouts as she pulls away from Nat and gets up. "Let him go!"

"Don't!" Thor shouts. "He'll escape if you do."

"Trust me." Rhi cuts back in. "He won't."

"How can you be so sure?" Clint asks.

"Because." Rhi says as she walks over to Tony and Steve and gives them a look and they reluctantly let go of Loki.  She then grabs Loki's hand to activate the mind stones power within them. "He's my soulmate."

The team stands there in shock as they watch Rhi and Loki's veins glow bright yellow.

"Fascinating." Bruce says as he steps closer to them.

"Yeah that's nice and all." Tony starts. "But when exactly did this..."He gestures to the pair of them. "...even happen?"

Rhi sighs and looks up at Loki. "Should we tell them everything?"

"You think they'd believe us?"

"I'm willing to risk it if you are." She winks before turning back to the group.

"It all started at one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research facilities..."


Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now