Surprising News

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"You ain't my problem! Sofia wasn't mine!"

I was woken up by shouting. Glancing around as it took me a second to remember that I was in Daryl's tent. Slowly getting up, I stuck my head out of the tent.


I flinched slightly from the shout, seeing Daryl yelling at Carol. I saw Carol keeping her composure, not saying anything as Daryl glared. I climbed out of the tent as Carol turned and walked back to the camp.

I glanced at Daryl, grimacing at his attitude. "What the hell is your deal?"

Daryl turned to me, waving his arm. "Why don't you mind ya damn business?! The hell you still doing here anyway? That little girl's dead, so you're free to leave! That's why you stuck around, right?!"

"You know, I could say the same thing about you." I replied as I crossed my arms, nodding towards the gate at the entrance to the farm. "You're free to go too, so why not leave? You act like you don't care and distance yourself from the group, what's stopping you?"

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Daryl exclaimed, glaring at me as he stepped forward. "Besides, this group's broken. They can go to hell for all I care."

I raised an eyebrow at his reply. "I know that you do care, whether you'd like to admit it or not." I walked closer, glaring at him. "Otherwise you wouldn't have looked for that little girl."

"You don't know nothin'." He told me, not backing down, getting in my face. "Jus' some dumb bitch who can't mind her own damn business."

I got closer to his face, returning his glare. "Well, this 'dumb bitch' can tell that you need this group just as much as they need you." I sneered, stepping back and heading towards the farm. "That's why you haven't left yet." I called out, not turning as I continued walking.

As I got close to the house, I saw a car pulling into the farm, parking a couple feet away. Joining the others as they walked towards the car, I saw Shane and Lori stepping out of the car.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" Andrea asked, rushing over to Lori, who I now noticed was bleeding from her head. "What happened?"

"I was in an accident, I'm fine." She replied.

Shane walked closer to Lori, speaking over her. "She was attacked."

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Really." Lori spoke up, brushing Shane off. "Where's Rick?" Shane walked away from Lori at the mention of Rick's name, causing me to send a glare in his direction. "They're not back?" Lori asked in confusion, noticing how no one answered before turning to Shane accusingly. "Where are they?"

Shane gave her defensive look. "Look, I had to get you back here."

Realizing Shane lied to her, Lori rushed towards Shane. "You asshole."


Lori cut him off, shoving him. "He's my husband!"

"Lori, I will go after him, I will find him." Shane tried to calm Lori down, pushing her away.

"Yeah right..." I mumbled under my breath, dale turning to look at me. I glanced over at him slightly, realizing he must've heard me, when I noticed he looked like he was agreeing with what I was thinking. I wanted to question why, when Shane dropped a bombshell on the group.

"Hey! Now look, first things first- I gotta- I gotta look after you. I gotta make sure the baby's alright, okay?" He looked at Lori in a protective manner.

I looked over at Lori in surprise, who looked pissed at Shane for bringing the subject up. Lori's pregnant? At a time like this?

"You're having a baby?" Carl spoke up, alerting all of us that he was here.

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