On the Road

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The first few days were pretty quiet. Everyone dealt with the events in a different way. I let out a sigh as I glanced around the group, everyone pretty much keeping to themselves.

With the events a few nights ago, losing the others, and Rick revealing Shane's plan and having to kill him. It left everyone wondering what's next. Then when Rick told us that we're all infected, it only added fuel to the fire.

I was right when I told Glenn that it would cause distrust within the group. Because now everyone seems hesitant about every little thing. Go forbid one of us gets sick and have to be watched twenty four seven because everyone thinks you'll turn in your sleep.

As the caravan pulled over, everyone got out, looking at Rick. "Alright, we are going to do this- and we're going to do it right." Rick glanced at everyone, looking back to the small cluster of buildings down the hill.

"Look, we ain't got enough ammo and I'm not strolling through there with my good intentions." T-Dog spoke up, shaking his head, unsure.

Rick let out a sigh. "I know. But we could find that and weapons- food, water, medicine, shelter for the night..." Rick glanced down at his feet. "If it's too much, we leave immediately. No one goes off alone."

"We should have some stay with the cars in case we need to get away quickly." Carol spoke up, glancing around.

Rick thought for a moment, nodding his head. "Alright Carol, stay with Lori, Beth, and Carl." Rick pointed to the cars as the rest of us got what weapons we had.

"I'm coming too." Carl spoke up, looking at Rick.

Rick shook his head. "No. No, you're staying here, that's final."

"I wanna help too!" Carl exclaimed, giving Rick a look. "I'm coming."

Rick let out a huff, dragging a hand over his face as Lori shook her head. "You can't seriously be debating this." When Rick didn't say anything, Lori scoffed. "He was just shot and you want him going back out there?"

I looked at Rick. "He's going to have to learn eventually. What happened at the farm can happen again in the future."

Rick looked at me, taking in my words as he, nodding reluctantly. "Alright. But you stay with me and no wondering off, you got that?"

Carl smiled, nodding. "Cool!"

As we all made our way to the buildings, I jogged over to Daryl. "Let's team up."

Daryl looked at me from the corner of his eye, scoffing. "Why should I?"

"Awe c'mon, don't be like that!" I exclaimed, walking backwards to face him. "Besides, Rick said no one going off alone."

"Don't care." Daryl muttered, not looking at me as he kept walking. "I work better alone."

"Okay, what if you get into a bind and no one is there? It could happen you know... don't matter if you-"

Daryl stopped walking, glaring at me. "Would you leave me the hell alone? Instead of bothering me, why don't you go look in another damn building! I ain't babysitting anyone!"

I let out a scoff, holding my hands up in surrender. "Fine. But you don't have to be a jackass about it. One day, you'll find yourself in deep shit and no one will be there to help you because you keep pushing everyone away." I told him as I walked over to a building, slowly opening the door and going inside.

As I crept down the hall, I came upon a door to my left, quietly opening and looking inside it. Glancing around the bedroom, I began looking to see if I could find anything.

I spun around as I heard a snarl behind me, a Walker pushing me into the wall behind me. I mentally cursed to myself as I held an arm out to keep the Walker away, trying to rip my other arm out of its grasp to stab it in the head.

The Walker snapped its teeth at me, moving its face closer to take a bite when an arrow struck through its eye. As the Walker's head fell limp, I threw it to the ground, glancing from it to the doorway, seeing Daryl standing there, lowering his crossbow.

I let out a breath. "I thought you worked alone? Didn't want to 'babysit' anybody?" I raised an eyebrow at him in question.

Daryl didn't say anything as he walked away, going down the hall. I shook my head, reaching down to take the arrow out of the corpse's head and followed after him.

Walking back out the building, I saw Daryl going to kill a Walker in front of him as one was coming up behind him. I marched over, taking the arrow in my hand and gripping it tightly before showing it in the back of the Walker's head.

Turning around, Daryl saw me as the Walker dropped to the ground. I wiped the arrow onto my pant leg, glancing up at Daryl. "Looks like we're even." I said, shoving the arrow to his chest before walking off to another building. "Hurry up slowpoke, we're going to lose daylight if you say dream any longer!"


2 Months later

"Hey, I wanna go check out this store I saw nearby while the others set up for tonight." I spoke up, walking outside and down the stairs.

"Why you need me to go with ya, get one of the others to." Daryl asked, motioning to the house I walked out of.

"Because..." I trailed off, coming to stand beside him. "You're good at what you do. Plus, I trust you to have my back." I kicked his leg lightly with my foot. "C'mon, what's the worst that can happen, you find a possum to kill?"

Daryl rolled his eyes, grabbing his crossbow as he stood up, walking off. "Ya comin' or what?"

I let out a smirk, rushing after him. "I knew you'd come to see reason." I said, nodding to myself.

"And what's that?" Daryl asked as we walked down the road.

I looked over at him. "That we actually make a good team." Daryl looked over at me as I said that. "Admit it, I'm right."

Daryl let out a huff, looking forward once more. "Like hell ya are."

"If that helps you sleep at night, then go ahead and deny it." I shrugged, walking forward. "But I am the only one in the group that can handle your constant mood swings. Thus making me your ideal teammate. Face it, I'm better than the others."

Daryl didn't say anything in reply as we kept walking. After a few minutes, we made it to the store, Daryl knocking on the window for any Walkers that may be inside.

As we waited a few minutes, Daryl spoke up. "I trust you too, I guess... to ya know, have my back."

I turned to Daryl, letting out a shocked gasp. "Was that a compliment? From you?"

Daryl looked at me before a walker pounded on the window. "Shut up. Let's get moving."

Published: 04/20/2024

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