Trip into the Woods

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As we made our way through the woods, I noticed how Daryl was able to move quietly, as if it was the easiest thing in the world. "You spent a lot of time in the woods?" I asked, attempting to fill the silence.

He glanced back at me for a second before turning back forward, adjusting the crossbow in his hands. "Somethin' like that."

I nodded my head, assuming that's as much as I was going to get as an answer. "Are you like the hunter of the group?" I asked another question.

He didn't tear his gaze from in front of him as he spoke up. "What's it to you?"

I shrugged my shoulders even though he couldn't see me. "Just making conversation. Besides, I'm trying to figure this group out." I ducked underneath a branch before I continued. "Taking that as a yes, did you do it before the world went to shit or because someone had to do it for the group to survive?"

"Nah, before... practically grew up in the woods." He replied, crouching down to look at the ground.

"I see." I was surprised he was so willing to answer based on his attitude to me thus far. I pondered to myself before asking another question. "Could you teach me sometime?"

He stopped what he was doing, turning to look at me in confusion. "What?"

"Ya know, hunting; surviving in the woods." I spelled out as if it weren't obvious. "With the way things are now, that's the only way to survive. Hell, I couldn't even make it two days before passing out. I almost became food to those bastards if I didn't find your group."

"Why should I help you with anythin'? Jus' some stranger." He replied, glaring at me. "Hell if I care if you live or not."

I let out a sigh, glancing to my feet for a moment. "I didn't ask if you cared or not but if you would teach me. It would benefit the group too ya know?" I glared before walking ahead. "A simple 'no' would've sufficed." Try to be nice and he's still an asshole. Dale I think you're confused.

"Whatever." I heard Daryl say as he walked past me, continuing the path we were going.

After what I assumed was thirty minutes, we came across a clearing with a house. I followed behind Daryl as we approached the house, walking up to the front door.

Daryl raised his bow before glancing at me. I lifted my ax, preparing to strike as I nodded back to signal I was ready. Giving me a nod in confirmation, he kicked the doors open, walking in cautiously.

I filed in behind him, glancing around the house, listening for any sounds. As Daryl took the rooms to the left, I went to check the ones on the right, not seeing anything. Seeing that my side was empty, I walked over to the room Daryl was in.

Standing in the doorway, I watched as he stalked over to a door that was cracked open, bow ready. Daryl swung open the door, glancing for only a moment before lowering his bow. I decided to walk closer, speaking up to let him know I was there. "Find anything?"

"Nah, jus' some cans of food... and this." Daryl pointed to the ground, where a blanket and pillow was laying.

"Do you think it was Sophia?" I asked, seeing how small of a space it was.

"Maybe." He glanced behind us as he answered. "The back door was wide open, probably ran off back into the woods."

I nodded my head and walked towards the door. "Probably heard something and it spooked her."

"Sophia!" Daryl shouted as we walked out the back door and into the yard. "Sophia!"

The two of us walked around the yard, glancing around to see if we could find anything. "I don't see anything..." I spoke up, glancing back over to Daryl, seeing he was crouched down and looking at the ground. "What is it?"

"S'nothing." He replied, standing back up. "Let's head back, there's nothing here."

With a nod, I began to follow him back to camp. As we were walking, I noticed a flower in his hand. "What's that?"

He looked to me as I motioned to the flower in his hand. "It's a Cherokee Rose."

"Cherokee Rose?" I repeated, confused.

"Yeah, I heard a story that when Cherokee mothers were traveling along the Trail of Tears, they'd grieve over their little ones they lost. The elders would say a prayer for a sign to give the mothers hope, and this rose grew where the mothers tears would fall." Daryl explained, pushing tree limbs out of the way.

"And you're gonna give it to Carol?" I asked in confirmation, realizing that it must be to cheer her up. When he nodded, I smiled. "That's nice of you, I'm sure she'll appreciate it." When he said nothing, I continued. "We'll find her, I know it."

"Why're you so desperate to find 'er anyways? You don't know 'er or the rest of us." Daryl asked me, curious.

I looked down at my shoes. "When I showed up on that highway and collapsed, your group didn't waste a second to help me, hell, they even gave me food and water. It would've been easier to just leave me to die, would've been one less mouth you guys had to feed."

I stopped walking, letting out a chuckle. "And Rick let me join, not knowing who I was. And when I found out that little girl was missing, all I could think of was 'why?' Why did your group bother to help me when you guys were looking for her?"

I glanced back up and saw Daryl was about to say something, but I interrupted him. "I was out there for two days on the verge of passing out." I pointed beside us. "I was at that creek and-" I paused, not sure what to say. "If I had stayed just a little longer..." I didn't have to finish for him to know what I was getting at.

"Even if you did find 'er, there's nothin' you could've done." Daryl spoke up, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You said so yourself, you were close to passing out, you wouldn't have been able to protect 'er if a Walker came by. Then you'd both be dead."

"If she had a chance making it back to the highway, I would've given myself to those Walkers if that's what it took." I sighed and began walking once more. "I got nothing to live for, she does. She still has her mother who is worried sick."

Without another word, we continued walking back to the camp. Once there, I walked off, heading over to sit against a tree as Daryl went into the RV to give Carol the flower. As night began to creep up, everyone began to settle in for the night as I let out a sigh, relaxing my body from all the walking. Thanks to the medicine Hershel gave me earlier today, the pain in my side wasn't too bad. As I sat there, a thought ran through my head.

Where was I going to sleep tonight?

I looked around the farm, remembering earlier I saw several fences around the place, not to mention, the lack of corpses walking around. Getting up, I walked over to the RV, sitting down against it. This'll have to do for tonight. I groaned internally at the thought. Tomorrow I'll ask if there's a spare tent or if Hershel has one. With that final thought, I closed my eyes, hoping to catch a few hours of sleep.

Published: 02/17/2024

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