Chapter 12

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My adrenaline was pumping so strong that I ran down the stairs like a kid on Christmas morning, almost taking out both Lexi and Luke in the process. 

"Dude, clam down." Lexi scoffed. "Why are y'all so happy lately?" 

"Why do y'all always have a stick up y'all's ass lately?" 

She scoffed again and pushed past me and slammed shut the door to her room. I continued my trek down the stairs, much slower this time. I grabbed my suitcase and brought it out to the truck, where Easton was sitting in the driver's seat, Kate next to him. I climbed in the back row and left the suitcase at my feet. 

"Ready?" He asked, putting his phone in his pocket. 

"Yep." I smiled. 

"Do you have everything?" Kate asked, turning to face me. 

"Why would I not have everything?" I scoffed and leaned back against the seat, my arms crossed against my chest. "I've traveled more in the last year than you have in the last five." 

"Just checking." She put her hands in the air and faced the front. Easton drove the truck to Sav's place to pick her up, then we headed for the airport. 


Sav and I had just finished checking into our hotel rooms when someone came up behind me and grabbed me, scaring the absolute SHIT out of me. 

I screamed about half of a cuss word before I realized who it was. 

"Happy birthday!" Was what was screamed right in my ear. 

"Albert, you son of a biscuit!" I pulled her into a hug and she she pressed a kiss to my cheek. 

"What's up, McB?" Her smile was as big as I'd ever seen it, though the bags under her eyes were noticeable. "I missed you after you blocked me just to spite me for me blocking you." 

"Well it's your own flippin' fault." 

"You know you can curse around me, right? I'm a big girl." 

"Considering I can now legally drink and you can't, I'd say I have to watch my mouth around you." 

"We're all screwed." She threw her hands in the air, finally letting go of me. "Now that you can legally drink, it's over for all of us. We'll be carrying you back to the hotel tonight." 

"Oh hush up, Albert." I rolled my eyes. "Do you know how many absolute LEGENDS are gonna be there tonight? I could drink 'till the cows come home, but I won't tonight. I need good impressions in front of these important people, y'know?" 

"I get it." She nodded. "I'm sleeping in your room." 


"You didn't get my texts because you blocked me, but I texted you. I DM'd you too. Maybe check those every once and a while, yeah?" She went to retrieve her suitcase and came back over to me. 

"I paid for this, so you better Venmo me half. No charity, Albert. Not even for you." 

"Second highest NWSL player can't cover for her best friend, low on PSG's payroll?" She did her stupid  smirk that drives me insane for whatever reason. 

"Fine, you can sleep in my room if you want. It's small. It's only one night." I said as we walked towards the elevator. "That just means you can order the pizza's on New Year's. And considering you're going to be staying in my house for free, you can also be my babysitter when we go to the bar over break. Sound good?" 

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