Chapter 10

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"I've had tabs on her. Kid's a baller."

"I'm very aware of that. I literally trained with her for over a week. Hell I even took the field with her. I KNOW that." I pressed my phone between my cheek and my shoulder as I bent down to plug my guitar chord into the amp. "Listen, I have to-"

"Raelynn get the hell off the phone! We're gonna be late!" Caroline yelled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm on the phone with Ruby-"

"Was that Caroline???"Ruby asked excitedly.

"Yes, it was, you two can talk later, we have something we have to do now-"

"I thought you were talking to your girlfriend." Said Caroline as she plugged her bass into her amp.

"Not my girl-"

"You have a girlfriend????" Asked Ruby.

"No I don't, I'm hanging up on you now." I took my phone from between my shoulder and cheek and hung up, putting it in the pocket of my jeans. Then I looked up at Caroline, who had a satisfied smirk on her face. "What the hell, dude?"

"Get that scowl off your face, it doesn't look pretty."

"I'm always pretty." I grumbled as I leaned my guitar back in it's case. Dalton, our drummer, walked up onto the stage holding his drum sticks, followed by Stetson, the other guitarist.

"Damn right." Said Dalton as he sat down at his drum set.

"Fuck off, dude. That's my cousin." Caroline scoffed as she picked up her bass and I adjusted my microphone to my height.

One of the employees took the microphone from my stand and started to introduce us as I stepped off to the side where Sav was, where she always is before I perform. Ruby hadn't stopped calling my phone since I hung up, so instead of putting my phone in my pocket I gave it to my best friend.

"Don't answer any calls from any of my siblings, okay?" I instructed in a rushed whisper.

"Got it." She slipped my phone in her purse. "Break a leg. You're gonna kill it."

"I hope the new songs go alright. I really want to sing them tomorrow."

"You'll do great. Go."

I shot her one last smile before she walked to find a table and I took the stage. When the employee finished his long monologue, he put my microphone back on the stand and I stepped up to it. I was in the middle of Caroline and Stetson, Dalton at his drum set in the back. Caroline talked for a few seconds but other than that, we started our set at the bar with one of Caroline's songs.


My cousin came to visit just a few days before that.

It was just me at home, my dad was at work, the kids at school and Liz met up with some of her friends and brought Jules with her. I was on the phone with Korbin, who was cooking herself dinner. It was only 12:00 here and I'd finished a training session a half hour ago. I had intended on working out and then showering but she called so I put everything on hold.

There was a knock on my front door so I went to answer it. When I opened it up, I didn't expect to see Caroline on a random Friday afternoon, but here she is.

"Rae!" She threw her arms around me, catching me by surprise.

I greeted my cousin and made small talk while we walked to the couch. I offered her something to eat but she turned me down, having something she desperately wanted to tell me.

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