35. Winterfest

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"Are you sure you're okay to do this?" Tyler asked me hesitantly, his eyes briefly glancing at me from the road

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"Are you sure you're okay to do this?" Tyler asked me hesitantly, his eyes briefly glancing at me from the road. 

We were currently on our way to the Winterfest, a plan set in motion, in some ways or not. Bode was sitting in the back as was Kinsey as I tried to rule out all the possible worst outcomes should I accidentally reveal anything to Dodge-Gabe, whoever he was. I had to remind myself, this was for my family and for me, that what we were about to do to Gabe, wasn't Gabe at all, but a fake version of someone I thought I loved. That this was Dodge we were dealing with, the same person who trapped our mom in a mirror, the same person that threatened Bode and threatened our family, that killed our dad, the same person who trapped Erin into her own head for years, the same person that took Chase's soul and Eden's, and the same person that killed Ellie. 

I drew in a deep breath, nodding, "I have to be. Gabe would definitely be suspicious if we didn't show. We just have to try and act like nothing's changed." 

"Easier said than done, huh?" Kinsey tried to diffuse the tension, but it did anything but. All I could manage was a weak smile at her over my shoulder. Kinsey decided the best cause for action was squeezing my hand in assurance. "Hey, I'll be with you the entire time, okay. You won't be alone in this." 

I nodded unsurely, but all the same, it did nothing to quell the uneasiness that was rising within me. The panic that flowed from one nexus cell to the other--I was a ticking time bomb just waiting to combust. Kinsey held onto my hand all the same, a silent promise she wouldn't leave my side. It eased little of the terror I felt inside. 

"Hey, I can tell Jamie right?" Bode asked then, hopeful if anything, "About Gabe and Eden and--" 

"It's--It's not a good idea, Bode," Tyler admonished softly. 

"But she's my friend. I trust her," he tried to rally. 

"If we start telling all of our friends, it'll just make Gabe more likely to figure out we're on to him," Kinsey reasoned, somewhat of a 'that's the end of it' assertive tone in her voice. "The fewer people that know, the safer it is for all of us. . ."

"And keep your phone on you, so we can keep in touch, okay?" Tyler reminded us, each warily giving us a look that suggested don't test the chances. 

"You remember the tracking app that I installed in our phones?" Bode suddenly asked, and we each nodded, "If we can't find somebody, check it." 

"Got it, little dude," I bump fisted Bode if only to assert I got the point. "You guys ready?" 

We no sooner were approaching the parking lot to the fair grounds, bright neon lights and caravans illuminating the road. The blinking multi-colored ferris wheel was the first thing the caught my eyes and all the scintillating snowflake fairy lights stringed across the fair stalls and the large maze that covered half the acreage on the other side of the grounds. At best, it seemed like a super fun place to be, but to me, there was a new level of eeriness I felt that loomed over this place, like what was about to happen, was going to change a lot of things. I buried whatever unease I felt, however, and reminded myself, this would only be a few hours, if less. Appearances and all--our only advantage was quite literally us not revealing we knew about Gabe. It was up to me to not fuck it all up. 

𝖁𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖞 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊 & 𝕶𝖊𝖞 (𝕲𝖆𝖇𝖊)Where stories live. Discover now