10. Greetings to the Dead.

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"Okay, so we have a big problem

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"Okay, so we have a big problem. The climatic demise of Nephropiedas first cut came out a bit rubbish," Scot admitted with a very sour look on his face.

The Savani Squad decided to meet up after school and I was unfortunately forced to stay another hour because of Tyler's hockey practice and Gabe's insistent 'please stay. It'll be fun,' among Charles' puppy dog eyes.

I demanded a muffin for my time. Gabe managed to get me a snicker bar instead.

"What?" Doug crinkled his eyes with a laugh, "You don't think we've cracked the lobster?"

Gabe chuckled lightly at that.

"Good one," Scott mocked. "But it's not all bad news. I've got another solution." With an affirmative clap, everyone nearly jumped at the prospect.

"And by I you mean. . ." Kinsey drew out.

"We," Scott gave her a sheepish look to the side, "Sorry."

"Good save," I sarcastically uttered, earning a few chuckles from Chase and Gabe.

"I'm sorry, but none of this would have been possible without the brilliant Kinsey Locke," Scott cajoled to the girl he so obviously was smitten with—His eyes constantly checked for her approval. It kind of made me sick.

"I'm sorry. None of what exactly?" Zadie suddenly voiced as she slapped her hand on her thigh. We were all seated around on tables in an empty classroom we managed to get from one of Doug's teachers, our eyes attentively set on Scott standing up in front of the whiteboard.

"Oh," Scott smiled shyly, "I might've written a few extra scenes that I thought would make this thing really sing."

"Sing?" I echoed. Gabe nudged me to shut up. I rolled my eyes in protest, but with the nudge he managed to also steal my hand and wrap his fingers around mine, slinking it on his lap.

I didn't ignore the butterflies vomit out of my stomach and back in again. To my better judgment, I could tell everyone else didn't subject their attention to our PDA like Chase—his eyes were cautiously on Gabe. I frowned, turning my attention away from him and scooting closer to Gabe. I don't know what's gotten into him, but something definitely is up.

"How is that when all my equipment is in the van?" Zadie scowled.

"We'll me—Kinsey had a work around," Scott cleared his throat awkwardly, unsure whether he should acknowledge Doug and Zadie's death eyes or carry on.

To his relief, Doug's phone rang.

We watched with expectant eyes as Doug quickly listened in and his face completely fell.

"Shit," he uttered.

"What is it?" Scott asked warily.

𝖁𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖞 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊 & 𝕶𝖊𝖞 (𝕲𝖆𝖇𝖊)Where stories live. Discover now