33. I Want To See Him Burn

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      I should have been happy, joyous in fact that Duncan's memories were back and he was no longer suffering in battling his brain to figure out why he couldn't remember his past

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      I should have been happy, joyous in fact that Duncan's memories were back and he was no longer suffering in battling his brain to figure out why he couldn't remember his past. I mean should've felt relieved, but all I could do when I stormed into Duncan's bedroom, catching sight of Tyler, Erin and Duncan all exchanging hugs and breaths of relief at the realization Duncan mind was no longer melting like cheese given Tyler had found the memory key and successfully used it on Duncan, I couldn't stop the emotions that bubbled to the surface. My family seemed surprised to see me fling the door open, panic written all over my face, my mind desperately trying to keep it together despite the fact my entire physical being was trembling in terror.

All the same, I reminded myself we were running out of time, and given everything that has happened, the lies, the deceit, the constant manipulation, I was more furious then I was terrified. And I let that anger fuel whatever composure I had left inside of me.

"Where's Gabe? Did he follow you from school?" I rambled out all at once, my thoughts just a complete jumbled mess. I was just trying to keep it together from not breaking down again.

Tyler cocked his head to the side, confused by my sudden interest in Gabe, especially given this should've been a moment of happiness considering Duncan's mind was healed, "He's at school. . .Wait, I thought you were with him at the party? What happened?"

I inhaled a shuddered breath, trying to wrack my brain on how I should go about this. An overflow of emotions completely muddled my thoughts however, like ice cream, and after a moment of combating the fact I had nearly eclipsed Gabe's reach, I was still trying to recuperate from the adrenaline high I felt sprinting all the way home.

Tyler took avid notice of my sudden discomposure. He reached out a concerned hand, "Max, what's wrong?"

I inhaled a deep breath, reminding myself now was not the time to have another break down. Tyler watched my reaction with wariness. "At the party. . .I confronted Eden. . .About the time when I was locked up. . .I was drunk, still kind of am," Duncan quipped a scolding brow at this, but the look on my face seemed to appeal any lecture he was prepared to give me, "The point is. . .So was she, and what she told me. . .What she revealed to me---" I could see Tyler was about to open his mouth to interject what she told me, so I decided to lay it on thick. To hell with skirting the corners. "I knew something was wrong. . .With everything that's happened, I started to notice shit seemed off. . .And. . .Tyler, it's so much worst than we thought."

"What's worst? What's going on Max?" Tyler demanded, his expression torn between comforting me and trying to figure out what's going on, stipulating, in a sense.

"Gabe is Dodge," I declared, "Eden is a demon and Chase, he--he lied to me! He's just like Eden—a demon! He's been working for Dodge since the Omega Door incident."

"That's not possible," Tyler breathed, shaking his head.

"Considering I've been locked up for three months by Dodge, you're telling me that's not possible? Tyler, open your damn eyes! Dodge has been playing us the entire time!"

𝖁𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖞 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊 & 𝕶𝖊𝖞 (𝕲𝖆𝖇𝖊)Where stories live. Discover now