14 ; Parents

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He took a deep breath, feeling the soft aroma of strawberries. I hated strawberries but I loved SeungMin's strawberry shampoo, I actually loved SeungMin. She was hugging him from behind, they fit so well that this confirmed even more that they were made for each other.

He smiled, getting as close as possible to the body of the black-haired man who was sleeping soundly in his arms. She couldn't believe that the boy she had in her arms was her boyfriend, a tingle ran through her body just thinking about the reality. Since they slept together, he began the habit of waking up earlier just to watch how the other slept, seeing how his little mouth opened slightly releasing little sounds, how his cheeks tightened, becoming bigger. God... he loved SeungMin, he loved every particle and atom of his being.

Since when was reality more beautiful than a dream? Because that's how it was, he preferred to stay awake all his life just to watch SeungMin sleep.

He placed a soft kiss on the minor's forehead, smiling. Just then the alarm went off, making him turn around to quickly turn it off before it woke up his puppy. -I hate that damn alarm. -I heard him complain, he rolled on the bed, remaining face down.

Chan laughed at his childish behavior. You don't have to get up, I make breakfast for the kids. -He proposed standing up to go to the shower.

-That sounds incredible, but I like to say goodbye to the children. -I hear him talking against the mattress.

He took a shower to wake up, when he came out SeungMin was no longer in bed. She dressed in tight black jeans and a short-sleeved floral shirt. He was grateful that his boss let him dress however he wanted, he couldn't bear to wear an elegant suit every day. When he finished getting ready, he went out to the kitchen and the children ate their breakfast while JeongIn hummed a song. He then looked at SeungMin who was sitting with his hands on the table while holding his head, he was totally sleepy. He smiled, SeungMin had never been a morning person so he had always had classes in the afternoon so he could sleep as much as he wanted.

He approached and moved it slightly. "My love, go to bed," I whisper.

- Which one is calling? -answered. The children laughed softly, trying not to wake him.

The blonde nego smiled to take him in his arms and take him to bed. "Wait, my goodbye kiss," he complained, getting out of the older man's arms.

The children stood up and walked towards the black-haired boy so he could kiss their cheeks. -Have a good day, I love you with all my heart. -She told them and threw herself into Chan's arms, wrapping her legs around his hips.

"I love you too," JeongIn said, returning to his breakfast. SuNoo blew him a kiss smiling and YeonJun smiled at him as Chan carried him into the room in his arms.

When he wanted to leave it on the bed, he grabbed it by the back of his neck and threw it on top of him. -How affectionate you are today.

-You made me like this, you say nice words to me and you ask me to be your boyfriend... I want to give you lots of kisses -I take him by the face, spreading many kisses on his face. Chan didn't complain and let the other kiss him whenever he wanted.

What do I have to do to make you always treat me like this? -he asked him, returning all the kisses.

"Don't be late with the children," he replied. Chan remembered that they should leave now, he didn't want another scolding from the teachers for being late.

"Goodbye, beautiful, rest," he gave him a kiss on the lips and placed him on the bed, covering him with the blankets. The black-haired man quickly settled down and went back to sleep.

He smiled in love and left the room. The boys were already ready so he just took his briefcase and left the apartment with his children. The trip to their respective schools was joyful, JeongIn liked to play music that would awaken Jesus Christ. He said goodbye to SuNoo, who loved being in the garden more every day, and he almost couldn't say goodbye to JeongIn because he ran off to his school. YeonJun was the one who took the longest to get off, apparently it would be the hardest for them to get used to this.

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