07 ; Parents

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Dont forget to read chapter 6 pls <333

It was Chan's graduation day. In the end he had bought a black suit, a tie of the same color and a black shirt. Dressing formally wasn't his thing, he felt that he didn't fit into that elegant suit, but JiSung had insisted so much that he would arrive at the ceremony safely that in the end he ended up giving in.

It was a special day or so all his generation mates said. Rarely he didn't feel like that, he felt like something was missing. All of his classmates were with their families, their proud parents or his girlfriends and boyfriends. He had no one other than his two friends, although their family loved him as if he were part of them, even so, he felt empty.

He had not invited his mother, the idea had crossed his mind, but he never did it, instead he just left the invitations on a piece of furniture in the apartment with the hope that SeungMin or one of the children would find it. It hadn't been a direct invitation, she hoped that she would take it as an invitation, but she didn't even know if they had found the invitations.

The ceremony had started, I was nervous, I needed some kind of support. He turned and looked at his two friends looking at each other with love. Would he ever find someone who would look at him like that? Someone to share his entire life with? Someone who would love him and will endure him? He only had one person on his mind and he didn't want to assimilate the situation.

When the title ceremony began he felt something turn in his stomach as he applauded each of his teammates. When it was JiSung's turn, they both stood up from their seats to shout and applaud with all their might. He had known his friends since he started the race, they were the first to talk to them and feel crazy trust, the two had been there for him in recent years when he had no one, without a doubt they were the best friends he could ask for. Then it was ChangBin's turn, just like the previous one, they applauded with enthusiasm, it felt good to finish such an important stage in their lives with the friends that he wanted to talk to for the rest of his life.

He felt a little dazed when his name was called, he stood up from his seat feeling the screams of his friends, he smiled nervously. He went up on stage to receive his degree from a professor, who hugged him.

-Excellent studying and I know that you will be an excellent professional, congratulations Chan. -He whispered in his ear. He smiled gratefully, he was fulfilling his dream. Finally he could rub in her mother's face the title of the degree that she hated so much, she had achieved it, and he had achieved it without her help.

He turned to look at the crowd for a photo he had to take. That's when he saw them, at the end of all the people, but he could recognize his face among thousands and thousands of people.

SeungMin, YeonJun, JeongIn and SuNoo. Something inside began to flutter, the damn bees again. They smiled and applauded him, Jeongin greeted him from a distance smiling too happily, he returned the greeting smiling in the same way. They were there, they were there to support him, they were there and they smiled proudly while they applauded.

Even SeungMin looked at him like that, his eyes shining at the sight. It seemed like his eyes had stolen all the stars from the sky, yes, all the stars from the sky were in SeungMin's eyes that night.

They stared for a few seconds where SeungMin smiled at him, seconds in which the bees in Chan's stomach multiplied and began to break dance. Was that how she felt? Was this really what she was, that crazy thing she still didn't want to name? Because if he felt that way he was willing to feel that way for the rest of his life, just to have SeungMin look at him like that. What a crazy thing he felt at that moment.

He didn't know when or how long he came off the stage with his heart beating fast. He sat down, but immediately turned to look and look for them, although all the people who were there prevented him from doing so.

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