04 ; Parents

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He woke up around 11 am because he felt a warm liquid soaking the sheets. She opened her eyes as she wrinkled her nose, wondering what the hell that was. She lifted the sheets and realized that it was SuNoo who had urinated. The little boy looked at him and then started crying.

SeungMin was surprised and tried to approach him to calm him down, but he started crying even harder, scaring the older man. He didn't know what was happening and he felt very nervous. In a few seconds YeonJun arrived at the room looking at the scene.

"Uh, he sometimes has these accidents," he spoke embarrassedly, taking his brother in his arms who couldn't stop crying.

- Why cry? -SeungMin asked, almost collapsing. He couldn't stand to see the boy crying and not being able to do anything to help him.

"My parents used to hit him when this happened, he's scared," YeonJun answered, looking at the ground. SeungMin almost bursts into tears right there, out of helplessness, anger, and deep sorrow.

"Hey, SuNoo," he spoke to her. The boy clung even tighter to his brother.

"SuNoo, it's SeungMin, he won't do anything to you," the older brother whispered. The little boy looked up from him with tears falling down his cheeks.

"I won't do anything to you, don't worry," I speak calmly. The boy stretched out his arms to which SeungMin gladly carried him, not caring about getting dirty. "Easy, baby." This happens to anyone.

He stayed for a while hugging the boy, feeling his eyes water. They were little children. How could someone hurt them so much?

-YeonJun, could you give him a bath? While I change the sheets and take a shower," SeungMin proposed.

YeonJun nodded and although the little boy did not want to be separated from SeungMin this term, he gave in and let his brother carry him. When SeungMin was left alone, he let the tears he had accumulated flow, he was a somewhat sensitive person and when someone cried he used to do it in the same way. Although seeing SuNoo so scared by just wetting the bed made him feel like shit, not being able to calm him down made him desperate that he was about to call Chan. He knew he should control his emotions and be stronger for the children, but it had been a difficult situation for him.

He changed the sheets while he sobbed and his body gave small spasms from crying. She felt his cell phone ring, she picked it up and realized it was Chan. She tried to calm her tears to answer.

-Yeah? -She asked in a sob.

SeungMin? Are you crying?" How the fuck did he know I was crying over just one word?

"What happened? Are you okay? Are the kids okay? I'm going home right away."

-No no no. "It's... wait, we just had a little accident," she sobbed, sitting on the bed.

"What accident? What happened? Are you okay?"

" It's just... SuNoo wet the bed and he thought I was going to hit him and he started crying. He ran away from me...-her crying from him became louder.

"Oh, I see. How are things now?"

" YeonJun calmed him down and then let him carry him. You realize? Everything they must have gone through for him to think I would hit him? -He tried to dry her tears.

"They're fucking idiots. Are you okay? Are you calmer?""

"Yes, a little," I whisper. Hearing Chan's voice had calmed him down, but he wasn't going to tell her that.

"That, stay calm, I'll be there soon. If SuNoo has already calmed down, you have to do it too, okay? It's not good for the children to see you cry, I know you're not crying in front of them, but we have to be strong for them, okay?"?".

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