06 ; Parents

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The five left the center happy. So far everything is going well, which made everyone happy. They decided that they would go to the mall to buy clothes and things for the children, just as they should think about school or kindergarten for the little ones since it seemed that they would be with them for a long time.

SuNoo was in Chan's arms, while Jeongin walked hand in hand with SeungMin. YeonJun followed closely as he refused to hold SeungMin's hand. They decided to go into a store and gave the children the opportunity to choose what they wanted within a certain limit.

"Maybe don't stop by because I have to pay," Chan spoke. SeungMin helped Jeongin choose clothes while Chan did it with SuNoo. YeonJun said that he would choose alone.

They both let the children choose clothes that they wanted, it doesn't matter if people will look at them strange for letting the children choose clothes of whatever colors they wanted, they were going to let the children decide.

"That's a girl's shirt," a woman commented, trying to sound friendly.

"Clothes have no gender," Chan replied, smiling fakely.

-I'm not surprised that homosexuals raise their children like queers anyway-Chan got too angry with that and SeungMin knew it, which is why he came over to calm him down.

"At least my children will grow up being free," he replied, looking at her badly.

-Come on, it's not worth it-SeungMin took his hand and pulled him away from the lady so he wouldn't continue fighting. -Don't pay attention to them, you know they will always make comments like that.

Chan nodded trying to calm down. He let SuNoo choose what she wanted, in the end JeongIn and SuNoo had already chosen their clothes so they sat in a part of the store while SeungMin went to help YeonJun.

-You like this? -SeungMin showed Yeon Jun some pants and he nodded. A young store worker approached them smiling.

"Hello, my name is DoSik and I'm here to serve you," he smiled, but rather he smiled at SeungMin.

"Uhm, so far so good," he responded, smiling uncomfortably.

-I've never seen you around here. Where are you from? -He asked, interested in SeungMin. Did he have a stalker magnet?

"I don't usually go into this store," he simply responded, watching YeonJun choose a sweater.

-You should do it more often.

SeungMin smiled awkwardly again, he never knew how to get rid of bullies.

-Are you here to help customers or to flirt with my dad? YeonJun attacked angrily. The boy looked at him in disbelief at what he had just said.

-Your father? -He asked, very surprised.

"Yes, my father, and look over there is my other dad, his partner," he pointed out to Chan, who was looking at them with an unfriendly face. He stood next to the children and addressed them.

Is something wrong, my love? -He said, taking SeungMin by the waist, looking threateningly at the seller.

-Do you like my dad? -Jeongin asked, noticeably angry. Because you can't be with him, my dad already has a boyfriend.

"No, don't worry little one, I just wanted to help," he smiled nervously.

"Well we don't need your help, you can go," Chan responded. The boy smiled one last time and left as quickly as he could. SeungMin felt good, at least having Chan next to him as a "partner" helped him scare away suitors that he didn't want. A point in Chan's favor.

-Those are my children -Chan smiled proudly, while kissing the cheeks of the three.

-I'm not going to tell you anything because I appreciate what you did. But they don't have to act so defensive, and you don't have to congratulate them for doing so. -He said the last thing to Chan, he pushed him away slightly since he was still holding his waist.

-Men can't flirt with you because you already have Chan, and you also have us. -Jeongin assured, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

-Very well said. -Chan supported him while YeonJun nodded. -What do you think SuNoo, does SeungMin need more boys in his life?

-He asked the little one he was holding in his arms.

The boy denied, smiling amused. -My SeungMin.

SeungMin looked at him, adored by the baby's tenderness, the only one he would allow to be jealous.

-Our. -Jeongin corrected. YeonJun and Chan nodded.

-Our. -SuNoo repeated smiling.

-See, you already have the coolest kids on the planet by your side, you don't need any more fools. -Chan was taking advantage of the situation.

-No more fools. -SuNoo repeated. Chan kissed him on the cheek, proud of the boy.

-Okay, let's leave this topic here, let's pay for the clothes.


After buying some toiletries and some toys they decided to go to a food place. So they ended up eating junk food, although at first SeungMin didn't agree at all, it felt good to see the children so happy.

The food made the children's energy decrease, so they decided to return to the apartment. On the way to the car they ran into Chan's two friends who happily came up to say hello.

-What I never expected to see in my life, Chan with children being responsible. -ChangBin mocked.

-Don't be im... stupid. She corrected herself. -My tadpoles, these two are my friends, ChangBin and JiSung.

SuNoo and Jeongin waved at them while YeonJun just nodded in greeting. SeungMin smiled, although she didn't know if she was also introducing them to him, at least she already knew them by sight.

-How cute they are. -JiSung smiled. -Hello SeungMin, I have never had the opportunity to talk to you in person, but if you need anything, let me know.

-Thank you so much. She smiled.

-If this guy does something to you, let us know and we'll give him what he deserves. -ChangBin added, earning a hit from Chan.

-Speaking of another topic, do you already have your suit for graduation? -JiSung asked the blonde.

-Not yet.

-Chan, graduation is in two days, try to see that soon

. SeungMin listened attentively. Maybe he was thinking of something special for Chan, something for her graduation day.

Thank you so much for reading <3

I cried so much for the next chapter :(((



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